Crochet Flower Wreath!

by doodlecraft in Craft > Knitting & Crochet

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Crochet Flower Wreath!

crochet wreath (2).JPG
crocheted crochet flower wreath title.jpg
crocheted wreath from rosettes and chain stitches.jpg
Make a gorgeous crocheted wreath!


You'll need yarn and a crochet hook!
I used the bon-bon package on the right...all 8 of those mini skeins to make my wreath.
I also used a bright green ball of yarn...just for chain stitching.
For the hook, I used a J.

I'm not the expert at explaining all the fancy crochet terms...
so I'll try my best!

Here's how to make the rosettes!

Rosettes--Part 1

crochet a rosette step 1.jpg
crochet a rosette step 2 easy slip knot.jpg
crochet a rosette step 3 chain stitch.jpg
crochet a rosette step 4 back through chain stitch.jpg
crochet a rosette step 5 loop.jpg
crochet a rosette step 6 double crochet 18 around loop.jpg
crochet a rosette step 7 double crocheted loop.jpg
This tutorial is simple.
However, it is assumed that you know the basics of crocheting.
I am as basic as it gets.
There are only 3 stitches involved here...
chain, double crochet and half double crochet.
to begin you need:
yarn and crochet hook (mine is a J)

Begin with a slip knot.
Make sure it doesn't undo with the short piece of yarn.
Chain stitch 4 chains...
Loop back through the first chain stitch to make a center loop.
This makes a donut shape.  You will do in and out of this loop now.
Then looping through the center of your donut, you will double crochet 18 or 21 times.
(18 will make a 6 petal flower, 21 makes a 7 petal...I like the odd number petals..weird right?)
All the way around .
Now look closely at your little yo-yo.
It's got a nice looped edge all around it...

Rosettes--Part 2

crochet a rosette step 7 double crocheted loop drawn.jpg
crochet a rosette step 8 chain stitch.jpg
crochet a rosette step 10 chain around edge again.jpg
crochet a rosette step 11 completed chain around edge again.jpg
crochet a rosette step 12 begin flower petals.jpg
crochet a rosette step 13 middle of flower petals.jpg
crochet a rosette step 14 around edge all flower petals.jpg
crochet a rosette step 15 begin second layer of petals.jpg
crochet a rosette step 16 backside of second layer of petals.jpg
crochet a rosette step 17 in process.jpg
crochet a rosette step 18 completed rosette.jpg
crochet a rosette step 19 completed rosette tie off backs.jpg
crochet a rosette step 20 tied strings.jpg
crochet a rosette step 21 done.jpg
I drew on this image so you can see the edge better.
We will be using those drawn on loops for the next portion.

We'll go around the yo-yo twice...first time around we'll loop
through the top of every third loop, second time on the bottom third loop...make sense?

Now you are going to chain stitch again.  4 chains, then you will hook
through the top loop of the double crochets you just did.  Hook on every third double crochet.
Chain 4, hook through the third...until you are back to where you started.
Then you will go around the same way again, this time chaining
5 times and hooking on the bottom loop of your double crochet...
Once back around, we'll begin building our petals.
Hook your yarn back to the first chain loop you made on the "top" layer.
Begin by doing a half double crochet through the chain loop

Then do 3 double crochets through the same chain loop.
See how it's building a scallop edge?
then go back down the the half double crochet and then a simple
hook and pull over to the next chain stitched loop.
Do this same pattern on all the chain loops we made...
Once you are back around, hook through the second layer of chain loops we made.
and repeat the same steps building up your petals all the way around
Once you finish your last petal you are done.
Clip your yarn about 4 inches from the flower and pull the yarn through securing the knot.
Here's the backside now.
I take my 2 yarns and tie them together and then trim them close.
Turn it over and it's done!
Fluff your petals and use it!
Great for hair clip flowers or on something fun to come...

Hope that sort of made sense.
It's hard to write out how to crochet.
But it's pretty easy--just try it and you'll get the hang of it!

Wrap the Wreath!

wreath crochet flower rosettes.jpg
chain stitching little girl.jpg
chain stitched crochet wreath.jpg
pool noodle wreath form covered crochet chain stitch.jpg
chain stitch covered wreath form stitching crochet.jpg
wrapping wreath form with chain stitch crochet.jpg
rosette wreath bright colors spring crochet flowers.jpg
crochet wreath rosettes tutorial hot glue and yarn.jpg
crochet a rosette and make a wreath.jpg
crochet wreath flowers.jpg
Then I stacked flowers and yo-yo's and hot glued them together.
You will need a bunch of bright colored crocheted rosettes!

And a cutie pie that can crochet yards of chain stitch rope.
This little woman did 60 yards for me!
And she loved it!

I made a wreath form from a pool noodle from the dollar store.
Then hot glued one end of my chain stitched rope and
started wrapping it around the wreath...
over and over and over.

Until fully wrapped.  I also added a little
slash across the middle...
Started without glue and decided where
I wanted the flowers to go.  Then...
I hot glued the flowers right on the wreath!

Bright and colorful!

Hang and Enjoy!

crochet wreath (1).JPG
crocheted wreath from rosettes and chain stitches.jpg
wreath made of crochet rosettes colorful yarn flowers.jpg
Now you have a fabulous wreath to enjoy!

Hope you like the finished look!

Check out my blog, Doodlecraft for more awesomeness!
And VOTE for me in the Fibers Arts Contest!