Cubism Art Style Bird
by adityakalarikkal2020 in Craft > Cardboard
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Cubism Art Style Bird

Welcome to this project! Today we are going to be making a cubist art style bird! The inspiration for this project was Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, both famous for their cubist sculptures.
Cardboard( 50 cm by 50 cm roughly)
Cutting Knife
Glue Gun
Start of With the Body.

Cut the shapes shown . Then, glue them on top of each other, the biggest in the middle, then middle size, then small size.
Now Let’s Complete the Head and Tail.

Cut the shapes shown. Sandwich the head pieces around the big piece. Glue the small tail piece on the big tail piece.
Now for the Wings.

Cut the shapes out below, and cut roughly 20 triangles. Glue the triangles on the wing so it makes a feather pattern.
Your Done!

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this project 😆.