Cup Design
Hi will be showing how to make a customizable cup design using Autodesk inventor!
To design the main design part, you will need to have a computer or system where u can use Autodesk Inventor to create your design. If you would like to build this after designing, you will later need a 3D Printer.
Step one Open Up Autodesk Inventor and create a new part!
Then go to the top left corner and create a new sketch on the XY axis! Then Design a Circle using the Circle tool on the top left area. Click on the Circle icon tool and drag your origin dot to the center of the plus AKA the origin. Draw out a circle and press down. Time to dimension! At the top bar there should be an icon called dimension. Click the icon and then click your circle outline, then type 6 inches into the dimension. After that then click finish sketch on the right-hand side of the top bar.
Then Design a Circle using the Circle tool on the top left area. Click on the Circle icon tool and drag your origin dot to the center of the plus AKA the origin. Draw out a circle and press down. Time to dimension! At the top bar there should be an icon called dimension. Click the icon and then click your circle outline, then type 6 inches into the dimension. After that then click finish sketch on the right-hand side of the top bar.
Then extrude your circle using the extrude icon at the top corner.
Then with your extruded circle use the fillet tool to create a smooth bottom edge. To do this you must click the edge of your circle

Then centered your item so you can see the bottom of the cup
Using the hole tool then create a hole through the cup but not all the way thru.

Then use the fillet tool once again to round out the top edge of the cup about 1.5 inches.

Last but not least add some color to your cup design! TADA You are done with your cup design. Obviously this is a small design so if you wanted to actually create this cup you adjust the measurements of a real cup.