Customize Your Lights!

String lights and rope lights are some easy and gorgeous additions that can change a space drastically.
Like these golden lights in a Chicago restaurant (Trivoli Tavern).
However, it can be tough to get them in any color or shape besides their typical warm yellow hues like the ones at the San Antonio Riverwalk. It would also be nice to have them interchangeable to fit different moods, so maybe we can try to make some custom covers and colors!

Any 3d printer
Any compatible PETG filament
Fusion 360 or other compatible CAD and Slicer software
A ruler or calipers
Taking Measurements!

To make sure our light covers work, we'll have to take some measurements. To keep the design simple, we can focus on the parts that have to be exact: like the threaded base and the length of the LED.

With all of our measurements taken, we can start modeling in our CAD software.
Slicing and Printing

Now that the model's done, we can test out our first prototype! The light seems to have a nice brightness through the plastic which means we can keep this thickness.
Making Adjustments

Sometimes our first designs aren't the best, but that's why we can try again! The first prototype had a wobble in the base which means it's time to improve our design. As long as our covers fit on and come off they'll be perfect! By printing out just the threaded base we can check our design quicker.
Perfect Ambient Lighting

Our new custom lighting also comes with a newfound appreciation of our space and creativity! Remember that colors go far but anyone with an eye for detail will also appreciate custom forms! Take atmosphere another level higher! The only limit is your imagination.