D4E1 Flexible Engineering : Ice Cream Aid (Advanced Edition)
by Babette_Hendryckx in Workshop > 3D Printing
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D4E1 Flexible Engineering : Ice Cream Aid (Advanced Edition)

Hi everyone !
We already made a basic edition but if you want to take this product to a next level we also developed an advanced series.
Again an overview of all the necessary steps :
Advanced Edition : Tools and Programs
The advanced edition consists out of two parts : an injection moulded part and an SLA - printed part. The ring was manufactured by the injection moulding process. Therefore the design was adjusted and two cavities were milled which were tested on an injection moulding machine.
The attachment pieces were made using a SLA - printing process. SLA is comparable to 3D - printing however it provides a more accurate surface, requires no post - processing and has more favorable strength properties.
What you need :
- STL - files ( these are the SLA - printing files)
- Custom made program (Programma Ijsjeshulp)
- STEP - files of the two cavities / Fusion 360 - file containing the milling simulation
- Post - process files
- 2 pieces of aluminum ( 90mm x 70 mm x 20 mm )
- Granulates
- Ground cavity
- Injection moulding machine
- (Pieces of wood)
- (Duc Tape)
For the part files again a small translation because it's hard to change names of Siemens NX - files
Basisstuk_iteratie 3 = Ring of the Ice Cream Aid
Cornetto_Koppelstuk_iteratie2 = Cornetto attachment piece
Ijsbeker_Koppelstuk_iteratie3 = Ice Cream Bucket attachment piece
Magnum_iteratie2 = Magnum attachment piece
Mal = Mould
Programma Ijsjeshulp 2018 = custom made program to choose your pieces
Link to 3D Hubs :
Also on this website it is possible to SLA - print your files
Advanced Edition : Overview of All Available Parts

Advanced Edition : Choose Your Parts !

You now have two options to choose your parts. You can use the Zip - file containing all the parts or simply use our custom made program to decide which pieces you want.
Open the Program

The programs gives an overview of the specific pieces you would like te print.
Choose the Pieces You Want

After you have decided which parts you want you need to click on "samenpakken". The program will now convert the Siemens NX - files into printable STL - files. These will be put into one Zip - folder as well.
Open the Zip- File

When you open the folder "Resultaat" you will find your chosen files.
Go With the STL- Files to a Local 3D-hub

your parts are now ready to be printed !
You can use the link described in step 1 to find a hub within your neighbourhood.
Print Your Files

If everything has gone well this is the result you should get !
Stage one of the Advanced Edition has now been completed.
Part 2 : Making of the Mould Cavities

Open the Fusion File. The set - up gives you an overwiew and simulation of the milling process. Everything is set correctly so you don't need to adapt anything anymore. If you don't have Fusion you can simply use the ZIP - file" Mould postprocess".
Put one of these files onto a flashdrive.
Milling the Cavities

Import the Fusion file/ post process file into a CNC - milling machine. Make sure you also bring your aluminum pieces along ! It isn't necessary to change any settings anymore because we took care of that part BUT it might be useful to do a final check - up with the person controlling the machine.
Once everything is set up the milling can start. After a few hours your cavities should be ready !
Injection Mmoulding the Ring

Now that you have your two cavities you can start injection moulding your part. Make sure you check the temperature on which your plastic starts to become viscous. (this temperatures depends on which kind of plastic you will use). Set the temperature correctly on the machine.
Add some granulates to the machine as this is your basic material to make the part. This can be any type of plastic (PP, POM,...).
Clamping the Cavities

Make sure the two cavities are clamped well. This can be done in two ways :
- To clamp the cavities into a bigger cavitiy piece (ground cavity)
- To tape the two halves together with duc tape (make sure the ventilation holes aren't covered by the tape)
If this step isn't done well there is a chance of having flash ( viscous plastic which is flowing between the opening of the cavities). Flash also results in an unusable piece.
PS. Also make sure the sprue of the ground cavity corresponds with the sprue of your own cavities !
Clamping the Cavities in the Injection Moulding Machine

The next step is to clamp the cavity in the machine itself. Again it is very important to clamp them as well as possible to prevent flash.
If needed you can always put some small wooden plates between the cavity and the machine to create extra tension to make sure the piece is fixed.
At last pull the handle the clamp the total setup before starting the moulding process.
Injection Moulding the Part

You are now ready to inject the viscous plastic into your mould. Do this slowly (move the handle down) and make sure the machine has enough granulates to perfom stress after the mould has been filled completely.
PS. Watch out for your hands everything becomes quit hot !
If the stamp doesn't move down anymore you can stop the supply of granulate (move the handle up). The injection moulding process has now been completed.
After a few minutes the mould should have been cooled down. You can take your part out of the cavity.
(If your mould looks like the pictures above the process should have been passed along succesfully.)

Result is a smooth looking product !!
End Products

- The ring
- Attachment piece for a Cornetto
- Attachment piece for a Magnum
Enjoy Your Ice Cream !

Ice Cream Aid Video