DIY ARGB Gaming Headphone Stand Using Acrylic
by DBsLAB in Circuits > Computers
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DIY ARGB Gaming Headphone Stand Using Acrylic

Hi everyone, in this Instructable I'm going to show you how to make an Addressable RGB Custom Headphone Stand for your gaming headphones using WS2812b LEDs (Aka Neopixels).You can also use RGB Strips for this project. That description doesn't really do it justice, so go check out the video above! Please note that Addressable RGB lets you have many different Modes of lighting with the help of ARGB header present on almost all newer Chipset motherboards. So, you can control this backplate by using any RGB lighting software like AURA or MYSTIC.This DIY Headphone Stand is a great addition to your setup and its super easy to make.
Here is how to do it -
Materials and Tools

For this Build we need the following materials-
- Acrylic Sheet (2 layers of 3mm or 1 layer of 6mm, I am using 2 layers of 3mm sheet)
- Buying Link (India) - Acrylic 1 sq.ft 3mm
- You can find it cheaper at your Local Store
- Sunboard or Foam-board
- Buying Link (India) - Sunboard
You can find it cheaper at your Local Store (300Rs for 32 sq. ft)
- Vinyl Wrap of your preferred colour (I am using black)
- Buying Link (India) - Vinyl Wrap (matt black)
- You can find it cheaper at your Local Store (approx. 10Rs per sq. ft)
- RGB or ARGB Led Strip With Controller (Controller not required if your motherboard supports RGB)
- ARGB - ARGB Strip 1 meter
- RGB - RGB Strip
- Superglue (Flex Kwiq) -
- Easily available at any hardware store
- Spray Paint of desired colour ( I have used matt black)
Easily available at any hardware store
- Hacksaw or Acrylic Scoring knife
- Exacto Knife
- Waterpaper or Sandpaper
- File for sanding
- Double Sided tape
- Ruler
- Soldering Iron or any High heat source
Acrylic Cutting

- Use a ruler to draw your desired design.
- You can make the base plate of the stand in any shape you want.
- Take your Acrylic Scoring knife and drag along a straight line by taking the help of your ruler
- Snap Off the Acrylic
- Make 2 such pieces so that the total thickness becomes 6mm
Note : you may also use a Hacksaw to cut the acrylic
Join and Cut

Now that you have two pieces of acrylic for your base plate, you need to join then using Double sided tape.
Make detailed cuts using a hacksaw. Acrylic scoring knife wont work for small cutting. When you are happy with your final base plate shape, proceed to the next step
Edge Preparation and Sanding

To get a Glowing Edge Effect we need to diffuse the LED Lights. To do this we will sand the edges of the Acrylic Base to get a smoother finish. Sanding needs to be done in stages -
- Stage 1 : (Rough Sanding) Use a Hand File or a 60 Grit sandpaper for rough sanding
- Stage 2 : Use 120 or 150 Grit Sandpaper
- Stage 3 : (Fine Sanding) Use a 220 Grit Sandpaper for final finishing
Remember : Good Sanding significantly effects the final outcome. So, take your time in this step.
Face Preparation and Sanding

Yay!! Now that our edge is ready, we need to prepare the top surface of our Stand. This step is very similar to the previous step but this time we will sand the surfaces of both the plates. Start by detaching them. Then repeat the 3 Stages of Sanding.
- Stage 1 : (Rough Sanding) Use a Hand File or a 60 Grit sandpaper for rough sanding
- Stage 2 : Use 120 or 150 Grit Sandpaper
- Stage 3 : (Fine Sanding) Use a 220 Grit Sandpaper for final finishing
Remember : Again Good Sanding significantly effects the final outcome as our Logo will be cut on the top surface. So, take your time in this step.
Pro Tip : Minor defects on your surface ?? Don't worry, Just choose the best finished surface for your Top Plate. Rest wont matter that much.
Sunboard Cutting

Now that we are done with the Acrylic part, We need to add a Sunboard base below it to thicken the overall Base of the stand. The total thickness ( 2 Acrylic + 1 Sunboard which will approximately be 1cm) needs to be equal to the thickness of your LED strip.
- Step 1: Place the Acrylic Base on top of the sunboard and sketch the outline
- Step 2: Use a Exacto knife or a paper knife to cut the sunboard.
- Step 3: Cover it in Vinyl Wrap to give it a more premium look.
Reflector Sheet

For the light to give a better Glow we have to use a reflector backing to reflect all the light upwards. You can use photo paper (glossy side facing Acrylic) or white Vinyl (again glossy side facing Acrylic) for this purpose.
Place this on top of the Sunboard base.
Note: One may also use other reflectors but the color has to be proper white. I have used normal A4 sheet for this due to unavailability of photopaper. But photopaper is more preferred and gives a better result.
Adding LED Strips

- Cut the led strip based on how much your stand needs.
- Cut a 1cm width strip of Sunboard
- Cut and Join it to form the same shape as the back of your base
- Remove the backing of your LED strip and stick it on this Sunboard Strip
- Extend the wires from your LED strip if required
Vinyl Wrap and LED Fixing

- Now we need to Cover the top surface of our Acrylic base plate using vinyl
- Do not cover the edges yet
- Now place the acrylic on top of the Sunboard
- Place the LED attachment on the back
- Now cut the vinyl at the required areas using a knife
- Fold the Vinyl Backside by pulling it and applying at the same time.
Check the YouTube video for a better Understanding of this step.
Making the LOGO Stencil

Choose your favorite design and get it printed on a A4 sheet. This will be our stencil in the next step.
Here I am cutting the Aorus Logo from Gigabyte. I also made one with the ROG logo.
Attach this stencil on the top surface using Masking tape.
Note: Print Different sizes of logo and also make a spare copy (in case the first try turns out bad).
Cutting the Design

Use an Exacto knife to cut out the design. Place the printed A4 sheet on
top of your Vinyl and use a ruler & knife to cut out the design. Peel of the parts you want the LED to shine through.
Making the Headphone Hanger

Cut a 4-5 cm wide strip of Acrylic. Here I have used two strips for additional design purpose but you can use one single strip too.
Sand the strip so that the paint sticks to the surface.
Remove the Tip of your Soldering Iron. Place your Acrylic strip on top of the soldering Iron but maintain a thin space in between them. After some time you will feel the acrylic bending due to heat. Bend it into a 90 Degree at the desired position and hold it at that degree for some time.
Hanger Joining and Paint Job

Attach the two separate pieces of Hanger using superglue. Make Sure it is long enough for your Headphones.
Paint the hanger to the desired colour of your choice. Wait for it to dry. Its better to paint it where there is less dust.
Attach the hanger and the stand together using double sided tape.
Final Product

Thanks For Watching : )
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