DIY Cake Balls

Want to know how to make a yummy treat to bring to parties or to make when you are babysitting? Try making cake balls!
You will need:
A box of cake mix
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 cup of water
3 large eggs
candy melts
pam baking spray
13 x 9 pan
two bowls
two baking sheets
Make the Cake Batter

Pour the cake mix into a medium sized bowl, then add 1 cup of water. After you add the water, add 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. Then you crack 3 eggs in a separate bowl to make sure there is no shell in the batter. Pour the eggs into the bowl and mix until smooth.
Baking the Cake

You want to start off by spraying your pan with the pam baking spray. After you spray it, pour in the cake batter. heat the oven to 350 degrees. After the oven is done preheating, put the pan in very carefully and bake for 26 minutes.
Crumbling the Cake

After 26 minutes, pull the cake out of the oven with oven mitts. After you take the cake out, stick a toothpick in the cake and if nothing is on the toothpick when you remove it then the cake is done. If stuff is on the toothpick then put the cake back in for about 3 minutes. Let the cake cool down for about 30 minutes. When the cake is done cooling down cut it into fours and then crumble all the cake into another medium bowl.
Adding the Frosting

After crumbling the cake, add about 3/4 of the can of frosting into the crumbled cake. After adding the frosting mix everything together with a spoon. Mix that until it has a thick, moldable consistency.
Form the Cake Balls

After mixing in the frosting and getting it to a moldable, thick consistency. Line a banking sheet with wax paper and take half a spoon full of the mix and ball it up, it doesn't have to be perfect. After you use all the mix, put them into the freezer for about 25-30 minutes. After that you can re-ball it up if you would like to!
Put the Cake Balls Into the Freeze

After you re-ball up the cake balls then put them back in the freezer for about 30 minutes to an hour. Then take them out of the freezer and put them on a plate.
Put the Cake Balls in the Fridge

After you take the cake balls out of the freezer, put them in the fridge while you melt your candy melts in the microwave for about 30 seconds to a minute. Then take them out of the fridge and let them sit.
Melt the Candy Melts

While the cake balls are chilling in the fridge, pour the candy melts into a bowl. After you pour the candy melts into the bowl, add 1/4 of a spoonful of shortening into the candy melts. Put them in the microwave for 30 seconds and mix, Then put them back in for 15 seconds and continue doing that.
Put Candy Melts on the Cake Balls

After all the candy melts are melted, then use a spoon and drizzle the candy melts all over the cake balls. Cover the cake balls completely with the candy melts and put into the fridge to harden.
Take Them Out of the Fridge and Put on a Plate!
After the cake balls are in the fridge for about 15-30 minutes, take out of the fridge and enjoy!
These cake balls are perfect for any occasion and can be a perfect snack or dessert for any friend or family member. They are such a good treat to make when you are babysitting or with friends.