DIY Cubes Calender 2.0
Last Mother's Day, I made Vikalpha's DIY Cubes Calender, you can view it here
I had a really fun time making them and my mom absolutely loved them! Although, over time, with my mom having wet kitchen hands and such, the writing started to smear and it became blotchy(pic 4). This problem was partially because I didn't have a thick protecter over the cubes and it weared off. So then I wondered if i could improve them for my mom by engraving/carving all the writing. It turned out to be super easy and fun so I think you guys will like it too :)
All the credit goes to Vikalpha, as I would have never thought of this idea if it wasn't for the original cubes!
Here is the list of materials I used;
Paints (any colors of your choice)
Paint Brush
Sharpie or any other permanent marker
220 Grit Sandpaper
Clear Gloss Spray Paint
Dremel Rotary Tool
Dremel Engraving Accessory Kit
Sanding and Painting
Over time the cubes also got a little scratched so I figured I'd give them a little sand. Since the scratches were very minor, I used 220 grit sandpaper to make them nice and smooth on all sides. I also wanted to make them look fresh again so I repainted the cube. If you are painting your's, which I suggest you do, you're going to want a toothpick or something else to remove the excess paint piling up in the engravings/carvings(pic 6).
Coloring, Repeating and Coating
This part is super easy, just take a sharpie or another permanent marker and color in all the engravings/carvings. After you finished that one cube now it's time to go back and repeat all the previous steps for the other three cubes. I'm sure most of you did each step for all of the cubes at once, but I preferred to see one cube practically almost finished. Now it's time to go outside and coat all the cubes. I used Rust-Oleum Clear Gloss. Then I laid out all my cubes on a bag and gave them a thin coat and let it dry. I came back and did a second thin coat, then flipped them over and did another two thin coats on that side.
When the cubes are done drying you are all done! Now you have a super cool DIY cube calender :) Thank you so much for taking your time to view this instructable, I really appreciate it.
See ya next time!