DIY FPV Goggles for Wireless Camera
by cronosamv in Circuits > Gadgets
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DIY FPV Goggles for Wireless Camera

I recently acquired a UAV so I've been learning how to fly... slowly... A couple days ago i decided to fly with FPV(First Person View) and realized that even with my cellphone screen with full brightness i couldn't see trough the screen, so it hit me that i needed some FPV Goggles, but these are quite expensive (Problem one) and the worst part, i can't get them anywhere near me, i have to order them online and hope they're delivered(I live really far away, problem two), so i decided to make some using stuff i had laying around.
This is my very first instructable so forgive me for any mishaps, or broken English(Not my main Language), i do accept criticism and i like it, so please bare with me.
So for this project You'll need:
- Polystyrene, doesn't matter what kind, just needs to be moderately strong(Got mine from some new toners for a laser printer were part of the packaging, picked them from the trash bin, shhhhh... don't tell anyone ;)) - FREE;
- White glue, or wood glue - 5$ give or take depending on the brand;
- Xacto knife;
- Scissors;
- Back marker;
- Some cloth straps, you can make them by cutting old jeans or you can buy them;
- Toothpicks, bamboo preferable;
- Some elastics 2 to 4 cm wide, about 40cm each(almost got mine from some old underwear, luckily there were other options);
- Line and needle;
- Black electrical tape;
- Velcro Tape white - 2$(would look more professional in black but the same tape cost 12$ in black);
-Foam rubber tape, 1 to 2 cm;
- A sheet of old newspaper;
- A heavy book;
- A not so heavy book;
- Some skill and patience;
The stuff i did not price i didn't pay for, but I am sure it won't cost you more than a couple of bucks.
Shaping the Foam.

I layed the old newspaper sheet on the table so its easier to clean, and so i don't make a mess with the glue, and then with the Xacto i started shaping the foam so it looks like a tunnel;
The foam i have came in two pieces composed of many 1cm thick layers shaped to hold the toner, so after I've done the measurement the two combined are about the length that i need to see the phone without working my eyes too much;
I shaped one to hold the phone and the other to place on my face, so its important to know the measurements of the phone on the foam so it fits perfectly;
I put the phone on the foam and marked the outline with the black marker, i made it in a way the the phone fits into the foam, and kept testing to see if it was good;
Shaped the 2nd part of the foam to fit my face, started by cutting a round part to fit my forehead. then cut the bottom part to fit my nose, and then kept testing until it was comfortable to wear;
Noticed that there was light coming from the sides of my eyes so using remains from the shaping i creade blinds for the side of the face;
Stick It and Glue It

Using the Xacto i cut 3 slits on the cellphone holding part of the foam, and passed the Cloth strap trough, and gave it a knot(don't want loose stuff getting in the way), these are for later to make the harness;
After all was tested and it fit, i stick some toothpicks all around the are where both parts were to be glued(sorry no photo of this);
I applied the white glue in both parts and pressed them together, to keep them in contact i used a heavy book on top of both, since the white glue take some time to set and harden i kept myself busy for a few hours;
When both parts were properly joined i did the same with the blinds, but i used a smaller, not so heavy book so i don't crush the fragile pieces and again waited a few hours;
By now i realized my phone takes some really awful photos, so sorry about that;
Preparing the Cell Holder

So everything is nice and glued, its one big solid piece now, so i decided to prepare the cellphone holder.
I measured and tested the hold system for the cellphone, the soft velcro would be held from the bottom in case the opened by accident the phone won't drop, i decide to put a layer of foam holding it because the bottom is thinner than the top of the goggles;
Decided to glue the rough velcro directly on the top, the white glue's bond will be stronger than the foam;
Glue the Holder and Cover Everything... or Almost Everything

So i cut a piece of foam about 1cmx0.7cmx6cm to hold the soft velcro and glued it on the bottom of the piece, after everything tested i glued it(tape and foam piece) and put something on top just to keep it in place(i used the Xacto for the velcro and the electrical tape for the foam on top of the velcro;
After a few hours i glued the rough velcro directly to the foam, let it dry for a few hours also(sorry again no photo of this one);
After the cell holder was done i stated taping the inside of the goggles with black electrical tape, for two reasons mainly: One, the foam is white, and light goes thru it and that's a big no no; Two, this setup is really fragile, so the tape will make it more durable; And actually there's a third reason, i first wanted to use black paint, but i had to buy it and the tape was already bought so... saving $;
After i taped the inside(was a pain in the behind... get paint next time cheepo!) i did a few passes around the outside to hold the inside tape in place, because the foam surface is uneven the tape was collapsing... so i decide to use as much tape as possible just to make sure it holds;
Make It Confortable...ish

I used rubber foam tape and sticked it to the areas where there will be contact with my face;
Then my focus went to making the harness which will hold the goggles to my head, so i take the two elastics and sew (actually my wife did this part, props for her) the thickest one in half(with-wise), leaving a part to hold to the back of my head, and after that i sewed the smaller one perpendicular to the other one right at the middle;
After that i sewed(this time it was hand, all my fingers survived) the elastic harness to the cloth straps i left in the goggles before;
Tested the goggles with the phone, and was surprised that the weight made them fall forward, so i pinched the elastic and sewed on the sides to increase the elastics resistance;
Done and Done!

So after the harness adjustments i tested the goggles with the FC40 wireless camera i have in my UAV and it works great, its a bit big and clumsy but comfortable to wear;
Its not as ugly as i was expecting either since is mainly made from trash and it works... Tested it today for a full flight and it was awesome;
Still not happy with some things and i think i can improve for version 2.0. if i spend a little more, still it was a successful project made from under 10$.
Hope this helps anyone who would want to build a FPV Goggles for a wireless camera without much technology knowledge, cheap and simple.
Cheers and safe crafting ;)