DIY Fun Decorative Summer Sign

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to bring you all this fun summer craft. Today we're creating this fun summer hanging sign. I was excited to find some items at a discount. If you're ready, I'll be taking you through each step to create your very own summer decorative sign.

Floral- I was able to find my floral at Michael's craft store. They were discounted by $0.79
One Napkin- Summer design- These were purchased at Dollar Tree for $1.25 for one pack
Hello wood décor- Purchased at Michael's $1.19
Wood summer décor- These were purchased at Michael's, and also discounted. I decided to use just the summer flip-flops for my craft. $1.19 each
Paint- I'm using white and bright magenta
One wood square plaque 10'' x 10'' -- Purchased at Michael's $5.99
Mod podge
Sponge brush or paintbrush
Floral snips
Wire cutters--you will need this to remove the metal section off of the summer wood décor pieces
Applying Paint to Your 10'' X 10'' Square Plaque

Begin by applying your white paint onto your wood plaque. I applied a total of two coats of paint. In between coats you can use a heat gun or blow dryer to help with drying.
Remove Second Layer of Napkin

Next, take your napkin, and if your napkin is a 2-ply remove the second layer. After removing the second layer, cut one square section of your napkin.
Applying Mod Podge

Take your sponge brush, and begin to apply a thin layer to the middle section on your wood. After, take your napkin, and lay it over the middle section of the mod podge.
Next, take your mod podge and apply it over the top surface of your napkin. You can use a heat gun, or blow dryer to help with drying your mod podge.
Applying Paint to Your Hello Wood Decoration

Next, take your wood hello décor, and add your paint.
Attaching Your Hello Decoration to Your Wood Plaque

Next, using your hot glue, add your glue to the back of your hello décor, and glue it onto your wood panel.
Adding on Your Summer Wood Decoration

Next, take your wood summer décor, and using wire cutters, remove the metal off of the end of it. Using hot glue, apply it onto the back of your wood summer décor, and add it to the bottom right-hand corner.
Cutting, and Adding Your Floral

After, take your floral snips, and begin to cut just the tops of your floral. I removed the stems, and I also kept some of the leaves.
Using some hot glue, apply a small amount on the back of each flower, and onto your leaf, and add them onto your wood panel. I added two just under my wood hello décor, and one next to the summer flip-flops.
Your Summer Sign Is Complete

Your fun summer hanging sign is now complete, and ready for you to hang. I absolutely love how this craft turned out. I hope you all have enjoyed this simple DIY project. Be sure to check out more tutorials here on my blog, and for more video tutorials visit, Steph Creates-DIY Home & Crafts. Thank you so much for stopping by, and creating with me. I'll see you soon!