DIY Insulation Foam Mask/decoration

Want to make a Halloween mask or decoration? are you poor and only have some blocks of insulation foam and some sharp things. Then this is a good project for you.

Insulation foam.
Knife.( The sharper the better)
Paper + pen/pencil ( for planning)
Paints + brushes

Plan out an Idea, try and figure out the general shape and the details.
If you want to make a mask, you can measure out you're face and plan the dimensions of you're project.

march where you want the outside of the mask to be, also make marks where the major details will be.

Cut out the main shape. Leave a little room to be sure you don't mess up too badly.

Mark main details. Also, try and distinguish the high and low points with different colors.
Main Carving

Start to carve out the main details, be careful to to remove too much.
Painting and Stuff

finish carving the details, then start painting.
Finishing Touches

add embellishments, and paint them if needed.