DIY Lock Picks

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I locked myself out of my house the other day... D'oh! It would've been easy enough to break a window, but hey it's my own home. So I decided to try and pick my way in. I used a pair of garden shears to cut up a hose clamp which I used as a pick and tension wrench. Even though it was a very crude piece of work, it did the job!
So I decided to polish my impromptu lock picks into something more presentable. Now that I'm not locked out of my home, I was able to use these things to make a simple lock pick and tension wrench:
Hose clamp
Safety gear
Don't have a Dremel? Like I said, I made picks using rusty garden shears, so I'm sure you can be resourceful, too.
I've entered this into the Spy Contest. These may not be the most sophisticated lock picks, but a spy must be ever resourceful when a situation becomes dire (like locking oneself out of one's own home...)
This is just an example of how I made some simple lock picks. There are many different designs and materials out there. I hope this Instructable inspires you to make something for fun in the way you want, not necessarily copy what I did here. And of course, use lock picks for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!
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Prep the Hose Clamp

Begin by completely unscrewing the hose clamp and laying it flat as shown in the second photo.
Cut and Shape the Pick

Next, use the Dremel to clean up the pick (2nd picture). If you don't have a Dremel, use a file. Use pliers to give the end of the pick a slight upward bend. I also ground one of the ends of the pick into a semi-circle - this helps the pick get under the pins (3rd picture).
Cut and Shape the Tension Wrench

Apply Sugru + Video

Use the Dremel or file to clean up any rough edges (this is only necessary for the parts that are inserted into the lock because the rest will be covered in Sugru). I also bent the end of my pick just because it allows for a better grip.
Finally, apply Sugru to any part of the pick and wrench that will not be inserted into the lock. Rub a small amount of dish soap over the Sugru to achieve a smooth texture.
As a novice lock picker, being able to easily grip the picks greatly reduces hand fatigue. It's also just plain comfy, and hey, who doesn't like to use Sugru at every possible opportunity?
Let the Sugru cure overnight, and then you're finished!
Here's a short clip of the lock picks being used on a cheap 4-pin padlock I bought at a thrift store for practice:
Ideas for Improvement + Resources

There are a hundred ways to make a good lock pick - this Instructable is simply what worked best for me with the tools and skills I possess. However I'm sure there are better ways to make lock picks. More than a step-by-step tutorial, this Instructable should be used as a jumping point for your own creative designs. Maybe it would be a good idea to leave one of the 'teeth' at the end of the pick to help push the pins out of the tumbler. I've also read that grinding an allen wrench or screwdriver down to key-width makes for a good pick.
Here's a helpful guide on how lock picking works, which can be downloaded in PDF format for free:
Have fun being a maker, and be smart about how you choose to use lock picks!