DIY, Old CD to Shuriken

Want to make a cool weapon, but can't afford a lot of expensive tools or equipment?
Well here's the solution,
cool right! you bet.
All you need is a sharpie, ruler, file, lighter, CD's and a sharp knife, (exacto knife works to :)
Step 1; Draw the Shape

There are a ton of different shapes that shurikens can be. for this instructable I drew out 4 different types, but only have pictures of one completed shuriken.
Be sure to make all types and thus grow your collection!
Step 2; Cut It Out

As you probably noticed this is the same photo as the finished project. Sorry about that, I forgot to take a picture after this step. :)
Anyway it is pretty self explanatory
Step 3; Melt Any Loose Ends

Shuriken ends can be rough if you have just cut them from a CD. Just melt them off! Use a standard lighter but don't burn yourself!
Step 4: Sharpen

Use a file and sharpen all the ends that need it. Depending on the shuriken you make depends on which sides need to be sharpened.
You can use more powerful equipment, but since this is a cheap instructable, you can just use a file,
Plus it works fine anyway.
(Note; keep out of reach of children. When sharpened these CD's can cause severe injury or even death.)
Step 6; Learn to Throw One

In all honesty, it does not take a ton of skill to throw a shuriken. Place the sharp end facing your body and throw it straight down like you are throwing an American football. If you don't know how to do that I feel really bad for you. There are also several other ways of doing it, this is just my favorite.
Look on Youtube if you want to know more.
Stpe 6; Practice Alot

It will improve your accuracy and skill.
However, note that if thrown wrong these may shatter being just CD's .
Anyway if thrown correctly they should not break at all!
Well have fun!