DIY PVC Chicken Coop

Making a chicken coop is easy and fun project,I am using the pvc pipes as the constructions material of chicken which is easy to assemble sturdy and water proof as well which protect the chicken from harmful predators and harsh weather as well.
T joint x 8
End Cap x 20
1 inches of 30 inches length pvc pipe x 16
120 degree connectors x 2
20 inches pvc pipe x 4
3 feet pvc pipe x 4
Plastic Sheet Water proof
21 inches pvc pipe x 4
U joint x 8
Side lock
Making Connectors for Main Shelter

Using T joint and a end cap to make a joint which can have 4 joint to connect and form the square shape of where chicken get sleep, Place the end cap over the T joint and place the screw over to strong connection we need around 8 connectors like this.
Forming the Main Square

Start placing the 30 inches pvc pipe in those connectors forming the square shape
Connectors for the Roof

Place the end caps over the 120 degree connector and connect in with the screws
Making Roof

Place the 20 inches pvc pipe on the top of connector and start heating it up with the lighter you can use the hot air machine for that purpose , it will start getting soft and then and than bend it to inner direction to form a rectangle place the roof connectors we made and connect them together.
Place the 30 inches pve pipe between them to form connect roof pillars together.
Making the Inner Entrance

Mark the 8 inches on the front of entrance and place the end caps with screws than place the 30 inches pipes in them to from a entrance place
Covering It With Plastic

I am covering it with plastic waterproof sheet which need to be secured with screws all over the structure and I cover the excesses sheet roll and place tape to cover it.
Cut out some pieces and cover the entrance part as well.
Making the Front Open Area

Place a mark from ground to upper on the front part and place the end caps on it.
Constructing the Open Area

Place the 3 feet pipe on the end caps and form the open area.
using U Joints and place the end caps over it forming 3 way joints and place them in the front part of 3 feet pvc pipes.
place 21 inches pvc pipes horizontally and 30 inches pipe vertically on the front part where the gate will be place.
Cutting Out the Net

Cutting the mesh net for the 6 by 3 feet size to full cover the front part
Placing Net

Placing the net over the front part and using zip ties for securing it in to place.
Making Door

Using 20 inches and 30 inches of PVC pipe to form the rectangle with u joint.
and placing the net over it and tighten it with the zip ties .
Connecting the Door

Using the Hinges to connect the door to the Coop and using side lock for locking it.
Finishing Steps

Place the Mesh net over the front part over the open area to fully cover it.
The chicken coop is done and ready to use outdoor it can be useful in rain area and if you want you can place the Plastic board under it for more protection.
Hope you like the tutorial please like this indestructible and if you don't understand something please watch the video.