DIY PVC Gimbal for Phone

This gimbal is easy to make with pvc pipes and joints it can stabilize most of the jerking video situations where mobile camera in hands get even a slightest movement it will mess the whole video,so using this gimbal somehow eliminates minor sudden movements giving a smooth video result.
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3 inches pvc pipes x 2
1.5 inches pvc pipe x
7.5 inches of pvc pipe
13 inches pvc pipe
pvc caps x 6
nut bolts
mobile holder
4 inches nut bolt
Making Horseshoe Part

Place the 1.5 inches pvc pipe in to the u joint form both sides then place 3 inches pvc pipes in those u joint and covering them with pvc cap forming a horse shoe shape.
Drill a hole in the center of 1.5 inches pvc pipe.
Drill a hole on 3 inches pvc pipes on 1 inches gap.
Make Camera Stand

Take a 7.5 inches pvc pipe cover it with the pvc caps from both sides and make a hole in 2 inches mark from the top side and place the nut bolt and entering it to the horseshoe hole part.
Making Hand Grip

take one pvc cap and make a hole in it then place a nut bolt and then place any kind of weight I am using junk ball bearings and stopping it washer and bolt.
Take other pvc cap drill a hole in it and place the bolt and tighten it to the camera holder.
place both end cap on 13 inches pvc pipe and make a hole on 2 inches gap from the top.
Final Steps

take the 4 inches bolt and place it through outer side of horseshoe part of 3 inches pvc pipes to the 13 inches pvc pipe to the horseshoe again and place bolt to secure it .
Now the gimbal is ready just place a phone on the phone holder and start making videos without sudden movements in camera.
The weight on the bottom will act as anchor will help in maintaining the level on right and left side but we can adjust the height of up and down by the handle.