DIY PVC Round Shower Head

by Umair Workshop in Craft > Reuse

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DIY PVC Round Shower Head

DIY PVC Pipe Rain Shower Head - how to make rain shower head

This is PVC round shower head which can be made easily by bending the pvc pipe to the round shape ,it gives a good look with extra coverage of showing space for the whole body with high pressure water.

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30 inches pvc pipe

Aluminium sheet

pvc cap


Pvc T joint = 3

4 inches pvc joints = 2

water nozzle

U joint 

Elbow joint

3 inches pvc pipe

8 inches pvc pipe

PTFE tape

Duct Tape

Making the Funnel

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Take the aluminum sheet and roll it to form a funnel and place the tape over it,place it inside the 30 inches pvc pipe, take the end cap and close the other hand of 30 inches pvc pipe.

Shaping It Round

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Place the cooking pot over the stove on high flame and put the sand in it heat it up for at least 5 minutes.

Put the hot sand in the funnel to the pvc pipe and let it there for 1 minute then place the pvc pipe over the table and start shaping it round use heat protective gloves or thick cloth.

after the sand cools down after 5 minutes pour out the sand out of pvc pipe.

Assembling Shower Head

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Cut out the round shape from the center , start putting the 4 inches pvc pipe in to the t joints from all ends then place the round shape pvc in the remaining T joint sockets.

Place the pvc cement on all joints.

Making Holes

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Start making hole on the round shape and center part by 1 inches gap , place the water nozzle in the center parts.

Making the Support

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Place the 8 inches pvc pipe in to the U joint and elbow joint on the other end,place the 3 inches in the other end of U joint then place the 3 inches pipe in to the round shape part center t joint.

Putting It on the Place

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cover the shower end with PTFE tape then put the shower head over it then secure it with Duct tape ,

turn on the shower and it works great , the pressure can be adjusted from the water nozzle in the center.