DIY Paper Curtain

Paper is environmentally friendly. Paper is versatile. Paper is fabulous.
You've always wanted to make a beautiful, feasible and useful piece of furniture out of very little material (which you always have at home) for someone or even for yourself in a short period of time? Then follow this instruction step by step and learn how to design a simple yet beautiful, modern curtain with 35 threads out of everyday paper ⏤ A proven protection against insects with an additional decorative effect. :)
Dimensions: Aprox. lenght 90cm & hight 200cm.
The 2-hour-DIY-project "Paper as material" examines everyday paper as a medium, which supports creativity, concentration and manual skills for anyone. After this instruction one is going to hold a natural, beautiful and ready-to-use piece of furniture in the hands, which brings space to glow, etc…

To bring this project to life you will need different supplies. Here's is a list of them:
- Sissors
- A ruler
- Square sized paper in various colours
- A rather thick line
- Pole out of metal or wood
Origami Folding

- First of all you have to do is to fold the paper in the middle into a half and then fold it another time in the middle into the other half.
- The next step is to fold the paper diagonally twice.
- Then you should fold the squared paper into the middle.
- After that hide the lower corners in the top middle of the paper.
- Knock over the tips on both sides (left and right) to the bottom.
- Bring the bottom triangle up and hide the tip of it on the other side of the butterfly.
Making the Knots

Then tie the knots on the string. You can leave approx. 5 cm space between the knots. The oragami butterflies can now be threaded onto the knots.
Finalising the Project

Hang the finished strings on the metal rod; the decorative curtain is now complete!