DIY Paper Flower Decor

This paper flower decor is soo cute, and a super fun craft that you only need 2 supplies for! I created the letter T, because that is the first letter of my last name, you can choose whatever letter you want and I'll explain how you can make it!

The materials for this pattern are:
14 - 1/8" by 6" yellow paper
14 - 1" by 12" colored paper of your choice
2 - 9" by 12" white paper
Hot glue gun (and hot glue)
The Pistil

A pistil is the center of a flower. Start by rolling up your yellow strip of paper. Then put a dab of hot glue to keep it rolled up.
The Petals

For the petals, take your 1" by 12" piece of paper, and fold it in half twice. Then use you scissors to create slits half way down all the way across.
Completing the Flower!

Now unfold the paper. Place a dab of glue at the end of it, and place the pistil on top of the glue. Wrap the 'petals' around the pistil. Once you've used all the 'petal' paper finish it off with some glue.
To create a full looking flower you will have to bend the 'petals' back.
Keep making flowers until you have 14 of them.
Paper Rod

To make a paper rod begin folding the paper at one corner, continue to fold until you've used up all the paper. To keep it in the shape up a rod place hot glue on the corner. then snip off both ends.
Make 2 paper rods in total.
Attaching Flower to Rod

Use the hot glue to attach 7 flowers to each rod.
On one of the rods, leave a one inch space at one end.
Creating a Letter

In the one inch space that you left open, center, and hot glue on the other rod of flowers. Thus creating the letter T.
If you want to make a different letter, just leave an open space where ever you want the rods to connect. Depending on the letter you want to make you could also need to make more than 2 rods.
Clean Up!!

Have fun and don't forget to clean up!