DIY Pebble Bath Mat

by wetandforget in Living > Decorating

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DIY Pebble Bath Mat


A new bath mat is another way to change the look of your bathroom without investing too much time or money. We created an awesome pebble bath mat that looks amazing and feels great on bare feet each time you walk out of the shower.



Before you create your pebble bath mat, here are a few things you’ll need to make it:

  • Rubber for the mat
  • Bags of various polished river stone
  • Silicone
  • Caulk gun
  • Box cutting knife

For our pebble bath mat, we used two different kinds of pebbles. The first were larger and dark polished river rock to create the border of the mat as well as the inside. The other river rock were smaller neutral colors use to make the inner ring of our pebble bat mat. We found both types of rock at the local dollar store. For the surface of the mat, we used a sheet of rubber that we found at Lowes. Old exercise mats work perfectly for the base.

Cutting the Mat


Your next step is to cut the rubber out to the size mat that works best for your bathroom. For our mat, we measured it out to be 30 in. long and 18.5 in. wide. We felt this size mat was perfect to fit in most bathrooms. This is the largest size we would recommend making your mat otherwise it will get quite heavy. You can always go smaller if that’s what your space requires. When cutting, make sure to score the mat before completely cutting.

Tip: Draw a straight line and cut slowly so that your mat is square. This step is important, it is tough to fix an uneven mat once you start adding your rock.

Laying Out the Pebbles


The next step to creating your pebble bath mat is to lay out your pebbles on a piece of cardboard cut to the same dimension as your rubber mat. This step will help with finalizing your layout and to assure you have enough pebbles to complete the project. You don’t want to spend time trying to figure out how they all fit together while under the pressure of drying adhesive. For our mat, we used the larger, darker pebbles to make a border. We then took the smaller neutral stones and created an inner ring. To finish the mat, we used the flattest black stones to fill in the center where you’ll be stepping on the mat.

Securing the Pebbles


After you have all your pebbles laid out how you want them, your next step is to simply transfer them over and secure them onto the rubber mat with a waterproof, mold and mildew resistant silicone and a caulk gun. We applied the silicone to a quarter of the mat, then spread it out with a piece of cardboard. One-by-one we moved each rock onto the mat, ensuring sure it all fit together as pre-planned. After finishing one section, move onto the next one and repeat the process of moving the pebbles. After moving all the pebbles onto the rubber mat, we used smaller pebbles to fill gaps in the mat. Be liberal with the silicon and push down on each rock for permanent adhesion.

We put heavy boxes on the mat overnight to help secure the rocks.

Once the silicone has dried and the pebbles are secured, your new pebble bath mat is ready for use! This new nature-inspired mat will give your bathroom a refreshing look, while providing your feet with a nice massage as you step out of the shower! For more unique DIY projects, visit our blog.