DIY Photo Transfer to Wood

Want to add something extra to a wood sign besides just words? My friend's son was recently baptized, and I wanted to make a unique gift for them. I decided to take one of their newborn pictures and combine it with his name, baptism date and a Bible verse.
For this project you will need:
Wood Sign
Die Cutting Machine
Transfer Paper or Tape
Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium
Mod Podge (matte)
Paint Brush
X-Acto Knife
Bone Folder Tool
Weeder and Scraper Tools
Print Picture on Paper

Print out your picture on regular printer paper. This needs to be done on a laser printer, not an inkjet.
Cover Picture With Mod Podge

Cover the front of your picture with Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium.
Place Picture on Sign

Place your picture where you want it to be on your sign upside down and let it dry overnight. Make sure it is down all the way. I used a bone folder tool to smooth it out. Wipe away any extra of the photo medium.
Soak Picture With a Washcloth

After your picture has dried, wet a wash cloth and let it soak over your picture for approximately 5 minutes. This will make it easier to start removing the paper.
Rub Off the Paper

Start removing the paper by rubbing your fingers in a circular motion over the paper. You will need to constantly get them wet and repeat several times.
Remove Paper Between Slats

If your sign has slats with the spaces in between like mine does, use an x-acto knife to remove the paper in those spots.
Cut Stencils Out of Vinyl

Cut your stencils for the words out of vinyl using a Cricut machine.
Weed Design and Affix to Sign

Weed your vinyl and cut around the words. Then use transfer paper or tape to place on your sign. Smooth out with the scraper tool.
Add Mod Podge Over Stencils

Add mod podge (matte) to where you will be painting in your words. This helps prevent your paint from bleeding.
Fill Stencils With Paint

After the mod podge dries, fill in your stencils with paint.
Allow to Dry and Remove Stencils

Now you are almost done! Wait for your paint to dry and remove the stencils. Touch up any spots that need it. I then did a coat of mod podge to help seal the paint and picture.