DIY Pineapple House

We made a house out of a pineapple

The supplies we used:
1 pineapple
1 tray
3 skewers
1 knife
3 sponges
black paint
paint brush
a ball of yarn
(Along with gloves and a marker)
Cut the Top Off

We took our knife and slowly cut the top and set it to the side because we need it later.
Empty the Pineapple

After cutting the top off, we then emptied out the pineapple using out knife and hands (with gloves). It is better to use a ripe pineapple that way it is easier to empty it.
Door and Windows

After clearing the inside of the pineapple, we cut out a door and two windows.
Make a Character

For the inside of the house, we made a character (Scribblebob) using one of the sponges and the skewers and the marker. We cut the sponge into a smaller square, we then cut the arms and the legs 1 inch each. We then gave him a face with marker.
Bed and TV

After making our character, we made a bed using the second sponge, we made a small pillow using a small cut piece about 2cm wide from the 3rd sponge. We cut two 1cm long pieces from the skewers and attached the pillow to the bed. To add to it we made a crochet blanket out of yarn. After that we cut a TV out of the third sponge and painted it black. Once it dried, we stuck 4 pieces of Skewers all 1.5cm long.
Add Everything

Once done with everything, we put it all inside the pineapple. We lost the picture with the TV but we attached it to the wall of the pineapple above the bed and set the bed on the bottom along with out character and the blanket.