DIY Radio Controller Using Esp8266 and Blynk

by Abid_hossain in Circuits > Remote Control

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DIY Radio Controller Using Esp8266 and Blynk


A multichannel radio controller and receiver with just a esp8266 and blynk iot platform.

About the Project

Recently I made a RC jet boat and I want to make it as cheaper possible. But the rc receiver was very expensive. That's why I make this 4ch rc radio control system with esp8266 (nodemcu) which cost only 3$. I use blynk iot platform to control the nodemcu by my phone. I use servo library to control the ESCs and servos. The project is very simple but works like a charm ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ohh man this thing is IOT based (unlimited Range๐Ÿ˜‹)

How I Make This

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From the blynk app it send analog value to the esp8266 and BLYNK_WRITE() function reads the value and the servo library use the value to control the ESCs and servos.



Blynk App Configuration


In the blynk app I use Joystick widget to send the analog value to the esp8266. Here I use four virtual pin to send the 4 parameter (throttle, yaw, rudder elevator) value. See the included picture for the app configuration.

OUTPUT of the Project

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I compare the pwm signal from my diy receiver and a commercial one by a oscilloscope. It seems they are identical and from that I can say this a success.

Video of My Boat With Diy Iot Receiver

JET boat with IOT based controller using esp8266 and blynk

Disadvantage of This Setup

The biggest drawback of this kind of project is latency. As it is a iot based system it have to pass many stage via internet and for this kind of rc project latency is a big problem otherwise it does its job very well.