DIY Record Player
This project costs around 20 dollars. Our materials were either 3D printed, bought at a lumber store or on
For the turntable, you will need:
small amplifier
wooden rods
magnets (rings)
phono-cartridge (needle)
circular disk for a record to fit on
Building the Box
The box design is up to you. We decided to go with a simple exterior as we wanted to focus on the quality of the wiring, and output of the sound. The box should be about 1 1/2 to 2 feet in length, 14 to 16 inches in width, and 4 to 5 inches in height. The top will need to be large enough to fit both the record, as well as the arm and needle. All of the components will be on the inside of the box, so make it deep enough for supplies to fit. Use wood glue and clamps to secure the box, and do not glue the top on, as you will need to go inside of the box.
Putting in the Turn Table
Mount a motor to the bottom of the box. Connect a dowel rod to the motor. We used 3D printed pieces to accomplish this. Be sure that the motor isn't being overloaded so used the correct voltage. Wire a potentiometer to control the speed of the turntable. This will be needed because different size record require different speeds. Cut a 12 inch circular plate and drill a hole in the center for the dowel. Use a lazy susan to support the plate and to keep it rotating easier.
Building the Arm and Speaker System
Next connect a dowel to to another one perpendicularly as shown. Use ring magnets, facing north pole to each other t o keep the arm moving freely. Put the needle on the end and wire the left and right sides (positive and negative). Connect the right positive to the right stereo on the amp, and left positive for left on the amp. Connect both negatives to the ground of the amp. Next connect a power source for the amp, and the outputs of the two speakers.
Putting It All Together
You should now have two separate circuits. One is for the turntable, and one is connecting the needle to the amp to the speakers. Cut two holes in the front of the box to fit the speakers and one in the top the fit the wires for the needle. Close the top and the project is complete.
This is a difficult project but in the end it works well. You can paint it, stain it, and style it how you want. This is a much cheaper alternative than to buying a record player.