DIY Ring Holder Easy Jewelry Holder
by bunnyloverm17 in Craft > Jewelry
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DIY Ring Holder Easy Jewelry Holder

Make your own Diy ring holder

packaging tape
Quikrete (about 3/4 cup) QUIKRETE 110110 Concrete Mix 10LB - Quikcrete -
H20 (water)
mixing cup
Mixing stick
printable Cone template ➡ ring-cone-template-multisize.jpg (768×837) (
Print & Cut Out Your Templates

Print out you template using this link (not mine) ring-cone-template-multisize.jpg (768×837) (
And then cut them out, it doesn't have to be perfectly cut, but do your best.

Fold templates into cone shapes, and then add a piece of tape over the seam to seal shut.
Cover Entire Outside Area of Cones With Packaging Tape

Add packing tape over the whole outside area of the cones, making sure to not miss ANY spots including the end of the cones.
Prepare Your Concrete

Mix about 3/4 cup of quikrete with about 1/8 of a cup water, gradually add in more quikrete/water as needed until it is a thickish consistency. (Sorry to not have a good description of the consistency I couldn't think of a way to explain it.)
Add Quikrete Into Molds

Add your quikrete into your molds and fill to the brim.
Let Dry

wait at least 2-3 hours for quikrete to dry, but for best result, wait 4-5 hours. I used two old root beer bottles.

Unmold and BE CAREFULL!!! wait until fully dried! This can break very easily if not 100% dry.
All Done!

You're all done! use your new creation to display your rings!