DIY Sand Blasting Enclosure.
by The Rubber Duck in Workshop > Tools
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DIY Sand Blasting Enclosure.

My goal was to have a way to sandblast small ish parts and reclaim the spent blasting media. also not make a huge mess. lastly somehow ensure im not breathing in the crap I am removing (rust, lead, other toxic crap) This is what I have come up with.
Materials used:
1 large tote from hardware store. Something that has a good sealing top.
1 Pair heavy rubber long cuff gloves.
1 Glass pane from old storm door.
1 Tube of rubber calk.
There's some tape in there some ware.
A piece of 1/4" plywood
Rubber shower liner (home Depot)
Various hand and power tools.
DIY Sandblasting Encloser.

Cheap and easy to make sand blasting cabinet. Also keeping the work area clean and lessen the loss of blasting material.
Obligatory Disclaimer: NEVER use actual sand as blasting media! It will ruin your lungs.Its All About Prep! Layout Cuts BEFORE You Cut.

Plan where your window is going to be and what spacing is best for your arm holes. Also where would you like your air hose to enter from (left or right). Location of a vent. You need a vent, all that air going in has to go some where!
I cut the whole center of the top out. My window was more then big enough.
I am a righty so I want my air line to come in the right side. So my vent will exit on the left, (life is all about balance)
Make Some Holes.

I removed as much as I could without loosing the sealabilty of the lid. First time I used hot glue to hold the window.... it failed. This time I used rubber calk.
I placed the window in top and marked on the glass where the calk line had to go. Then I flipped the glass over and ran a bead on the glass and the tote lid then mated them together. I used 4 screws to hold in place until the calk dried.
Gloves and Wood Bulkheads

To get a good seal where the gloves enter I made wood bulk heads(sorry lost the pictures of the process). the wood bulk head is just thin plywood squares with a hole in the center 4 total, (2 inside and 2 outside) run small bolts through the wood and tote to seal the gloves to the tote. I placed the glove in the hole and stretched as far across the tote I could and cut them off there. Then I cut 1" slits all around the end so I could attach it to the back side of the wood bulkhead. I stapled the gloves and placed a bead of calk around the inside and outside edge then tighten the bots to make a good seal. Don't use to much calk or it will squish out into the glove area.
Vent and Hose Pass Through.

I used rubber sheet, cutting fins in so the hose can pass through without leaving a large open hole. I placed a piece on the inside and outside calking and bolting to ensure a durable pass through.
Then using 2" PVC I ran a pipe across the back of the tote drilling holes on the backside, hopefully this reduces the amount of blasting material from escaping with the air. I then put a foam cap in the top to further reduce the amount of material loss.
Finishing Touches.

You have got to see what your doing so I added LED light strips to the underside of the vent pipe. I ran the wire through the vent itself so I didn't drill another hole in the tote. I used zip ties so it this doesn't work well I can remove it easily.
The vent has a bristle on the top to further slow any material other then air from escaping the tote. I added a PVC 90 at the bottom to catch any material that made it that far. this way I can pour it back into the tote.
Nice part of 2" PVC is you can connect a shop vac to vent for real messy jobs.