DIY Snow Globe

This is a perfect to give to children or for children to make for family and friends.
Gather Your Materials

Materials Needed
- Plastic Globe (Found them at Michaels for $6 and used a coupon)
- Glitter or fake snow
- Figures to put inside
- Glycerin (opitional)
- Water
- E6000 Glue
Gather all of your materials and decide how you would like the arrangement to be. Then use glue to secure them in place. Let is sit over night.
Fill Your Globe

Put water, glycerin and glitter in the top part of your globe. Find a place to sit it upright.
Preparing Your Pieces

Rub a thin layer of glue around the part of the lid with your figures, then place it into the clear part of the globe. Now add more glue to the outer edge where the two parts meet, let that sit for at least 12 hours or overnight.
Finishing Touches

When everything is dry screw on outside cap, shake and enjoy. Thank you.