DIY Speaker

This is a speaker made out of cups and a cardboard tube.
The supplies you need are:
A cardboard tube
A Styrofoam cup
A tape measure or ruler
A fine point marker or pen
A box cutter or x-acto knife
A bottle of Elmer's glue(Optional)
and A pair of scissors(Optional).
You can experiment with the design if you want to.
The supplies you need are:
A cardboard tube
A Styrofoam cup
A tape measure or ruler
A fine point marker or pen
A box cutter or x-acto knife
A bottle of Elmer's glue(Optional)
and A pair of scissors(Optional).
You can experiment with the design if you want to.
Step 1

Measure your phone and mark lines where you are going to cut the hole for your phone to fit in. Make sure that you cut it a little smaller so that you can make sure that the hole isn't to big.
Step 2

Put your hand in the cup and push down with one end of the tube on both cups. This is where you will cut.
Step 3

Cut the end of the tube so it is about an inch away from your phone. After you do this cut the ends in an angle.
Step 4

Take the Elmer's glue and glue the tube into the holes that you made on the cups earlier. Do this to both cups.