DIY Vinyl Weeding Tool Using Old Cricut Blades
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DIY Vinyl Weeding Tool Using Old Cricut Blades

Make a vinyl weeding tool using an old retractable pen and an old Cricut blade.

- Pliers
- Heat Gun or lighter
- Side Cutter
- Sharpie

Take the old dried-up retractable pen apart and keep track of all the pieces for reassembly. Now, line the old Cricut blade up to the pen's tip. With a sharpie mark the Cricut blade to the depth it will need to be inserted.
Now use the pliers to remove the tip of the pen. If you're using a new pen, take care at this point to avoid getting in places you don't want it.
Cleaning the Ink Tube

Now take the empty ink tube to the sink to rinse clean. If you're using a new pen this will be a little messier than using an old used one.
Inserting the Cricut Blade

Place the heat gun in a safe upright position. Power on with the heat high and the speed low, or what you find best for your situation. Now use the pliers to hold the old Cricut blade and be careful not to drop inside the heatgun. For safety, I used a rubber band to keep the pliers close just in case. Heat for roughly 20 - 25 seconds and push into the empty ink tube.
Placing the Cricut Blade

Now insert the blade into the empty ink tube and you're finished.
It's okay if the blade is slightly off the mark. You can always snip a little of the back with the side cutters.

Now reassemble the pen and take it for a test drive.
Test Drive

Works great!