DIY Wooden Toys Domino
by Nikolaiwood87 in Workshop > Woodworking
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DIY Wooden Toys Domino

Trim a planed 25x86 mm hardwood plank into three 450 mm long pieces using a miter saw.
Trim them across the width (55mm) using a circular saw, then cut them across the length into 10 mm thick slats; make sure there is also a 12 mm slat for a support.
Plane the slats until they are 8 mm thick and 50 mm wide using a thickness planer. The support slat should be 70 mm wide and 10 mm thick.

Cut the slats into 50x50 mm squares. The support plank should be 310 mm long.
Mark the squares. Make a template for marking and cutting through-holes
using a hand tool. Each hole should be 8 mm in diameter. Cut 6 mm holes in the support plank.
Make pegs out of a wooden pin (6 mm in diameter). Glue them into the 6 mm holes.
Do the final polishing. Trim the pins.
How to Make a Box

Trim a planed 25x86 mm hardwood plank into three 450 mm work-pieces using a miter saw.
Cut them into 12 mm thick slats using a circular saw.
Plane the slats until they are 10 mm thick and 84 mm wide using a thickness planer.
Trim the slats to achieve appropriate size.
Cut tenons at the work-pieces’ ends on a router table equipped with a tenon cutter and a 6 mm grooving milling cutter. The pitch is 6 mm, and tenon length is 10.2 mm.

Put the box together without using glue. Check the dimensions and the tenon joints: they should be firm, but assembly/disassembly should be easy.
Trim bottom and lid grooves (4 mm wide and 5 mm deep). Cut the bottom and lid out of a 4 mm thick piece of veneer. Finish all parts.

Glue all pieces together. Check the angles using a try-square. Remove excess glue with a damp sponge.
Finish your boxes. Trim the lid according to the box’s size.
Coat the domino and boxes with a layer of leak oil. Use a soft and clean napkin and oil it evenly. Wait 20-25 minutes to let the oil evenly saturates the wood. Remove excess oil with a napkin. Leave it until it dries completely.
There it is!