DIY a Dashcam

We are all familiar with Dashcams. It is a little camera which is attached to the dashboard of your car. It records footage, which comes handy when you get in a little dispute on the road.
These can be easily purchased, but we can also DIY them using a brainypi.
- BrainyPi
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Monitor
- USB webcam
Installing Motion
Motion is a software which will give us a nice UI to manage our Dashcam and will allow us to download footage from it.
It can be installed using a simple command
sudo apt install motion
After installing motion, one might encounter an error where motion fails to start because it is unable to write to the log file present at /var/log/motion/motion.log
This can be resolved by creating a log
file in home directory and changing its ownership to motion
sudo touch /home/pi/motion/motion.log
Now, we need to tell motion to use this file
sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf
Change the location of the logfile to the file created in previous step
Now, we'll change the ownership of the file
sudo chown motion:motion /home/pi/motion/motion.log
Finding the Camera ID
We need to specify the camera in the next step.
Before we do that we need the address of the camera.
Start by running
ls /dev/video*
Now, we need to find the correct name.
sudo apt install fswebcam
fswebcam will allow us to command the camera using terminal
Start by taking image using the devices list we got in step 5.
fswebcam --device /dev/video1 image.jpg
If the image is not captured, change /dev/video to the next device from the list in step 5.
Configuring Motion
We need to change a few things like default port and localhost setting
Start by opening the configuration file
sudo nano /etc/motion/motion.conf
Change the information given below
Now we will change the video device here to the one we got in previous step.
Find `videocapture` and replace the value here, from the one you got in step 2.
Restarting the Service
Now, we need to restart the service to apply the configuration changes
sudo service motion restart
Go to `http://localhost:8089` and there you will see the web ui for motion.