hi i made this tiny bluetooth controlled rover..using dtmf moudle,motor driver and a bluetooth earbuds without programing or microcontroller.

i am using this tiny chassis that i made with two n20 motors a pice of coppr clad a supporting wheel and a 3.7 volt battery to powerup the whole setup.
a dtmf decoder module, a motor diver (mx1508) and a bluetooth earbuds(speaker connection is out to feed dtmf tones to dtmf module)

first of all connect dtmf module data output pins to motor driver data input header.i am going to power both modules with one battery. now connect bluetooths speaker connection to dtmf module.connect motors to motor driver.after some re adjestments our rover is ready.

now pair earbuds with mobile. i am using online dtmf tone generator. now time to powrup module-driver. and drive the rover/robot......5 for forward 0 for backward 6 for left 9 for right
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