Daisy Flowers in Epoxy Resin

Welcome to my video, tutorial daisy flowers in epoxy resin. I hope you will like it. Please like, comment and also subscribe my channel.
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Acrylic Sheet
Daisy Flowers
Acrylic Sheet Cutter
Epoxy Resin 146g
Epoxy Hardener 73g
Binding Wire
Hot Glue Gun
Masking Tape
Transparent Tape
Use of Acrylic Sheet

- I used Acrylic Sheet.
- I used masking tape and transparent tape to fix pieces of acrylic sheets.
Use of Flowers

- I used hot glue gun to joint pieces of acrylic sheets.
- I used artificial flowers.
- I used binding wire.
Use of Epoxy Resin

- I used Epoxy Resin 146g.
I used Hardener 73g.
Final Pictures

Here are few final pictures of resin art.