Dc Voltage Measurement Using Arduino
by EE MAKER LAB in Circuits > Arduino
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Dc Voltage Measurement Using Arduino

In this project i will show you how to measure Dc voltage up to 50v by using arduino and and display on OLED display module
part need
arduino UNO
oled display
10k ohm resistor
1k ohm resistor
jumper cable
Voltage Divider Rule

arduino can measure maximum 5V DC so by voltage divider rule we can measure higher voltage
for design purpose i select 50 V maximum voltage so Vin = 50 , Vout = 5 (arduino max voltage) ,R1=10k ohm and by calculate as equation we get value of R2 = 1k ohm
Connect OLED

connect oled display to arduino
Vcc => 5v
SCL => A5
SDA => A4
Connect Resistor

R1 = 10K ohm
R2 = 1K ohm
and connect cable as diagram
Upload Arduino Code
To control the OLED display you need the adafruit_SSD1306.h and the adafruit_GFX.h libraries.