Decorative Cat Litter Furniture

As a person who enjoys having guests come over, the litter box wasnt a pleading thing to look at so we decided to find a solution for it whilst thinking about cats physiology and how to make it look astethic.
Cutting Out the Pieces


Cats love being on top of furnitures so we decided to make a multifunctional furniture; a TV stand and a cat litter box.

First of all according to the plan we cut out the Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) with a thickness of 4mm. We hinged the boards together to form the furniture.

After we have assembled the pieces together we painted the first coat with white paint and let İt dry before the second coat. Later on when the 2 coats of paint dried out, we applied a layer of modpodge for a finishing look.
Testing Out the Product

Last but not least, it's time to test out the final product and see how the cats use it and see their satisfaction.
Inside this TV stand there is a litter box and a mat that cleans out the paws of the cat before exiting the cabinet.
Furthermore, the user can access the litter box by opening the lids and cleanup when needed.