Demogorgon - Clay Sculpture

I figured this time around I would go with one of my favorite shows and make the demogorgon from stranger things.
Clay( I used air dry, but it's really up to preference)
multiple thicknesses of wire
wire cutters
sculpting tools
acrylic paints
a hot glue gun

for the first step, I printed out a picture of the demogorgon and cut some thicker wire to size and shaped it before wrapping it in aluminum foil and thinner wire.
Base Bulk

In this step I did some basic bulking, just slopping some chunks of clay on till I couldn't see any more foil or wire. After this step feel free to try to better refine the shape of the body.
"Petals" of the Face

For this step I made wire structures to wrap some thinner pieces of clay around before using some water to carefully smooth them.

For the feet, I put some basic chunks down before splitting them in three and smoothing them to create toes and pressing them for the later claw additions.

For this step, much like the feet, I took some clay blobs and split them before refining them and pressing the ends in once again for the soon to come claws before sticking them to the body.
Claws and Teeth

For this step, all I did was make a bunch of tiny clay cones before leaving them out to dry.

To make the base, I crumpled up some foil before putting a layer of clay over the top and making a bunch of "wormy-dealies" and twirling them across the base
Priming, Painting, and Finishing Touches

For the final step, I started by priming before laying down basecoats of red and gray. after the coats had dried, I proceeded to make washes with my acrylics and water and lather the sculpture in them. After everything dried, I hot glued the claws/teeth on and used some more hot glue to create saliva. After that you'll find yourself with one outstanding demogorgon sculpture