Denim Necklace

Denim Necklace
Denim Necklace - Supplies

1/8 of yd of denim fabric (or any of your choice)
Curved ruler
Iron on embelishments of your choice (Epoxy or E-6000 glue for non-iron on items)
Large sheet of paper (packing, craft or wrapping paper will do fine)
Measuring tape
Needle & thread
Sewing machine
Sew on snaps
*Liquid stitch or steam-a-seam if no sew machine is available
Denim Necklace - Directions

Measure your neck all the way around not too tight.
Create your design on a piece of paper and make sure to add about ½-1” at the edges for closures and then cut out pattern.
Denim Necklace - Sewing

With fabric right sides together pin pattern on top and cut.
Press both pieces lightly with cotton setting on the iron.
Pin fabric right sides together and sew at a 1/4” seam allowance all the way around but leave a small opening for turning the fabric inside out.
Turn fabric inside out and press then clip up to stitch lines make sure you don’t clip the thread. This will reduce bulkiness and the fabric will lay much nicer on the neck.
Stitch opening closed and press.
Test on neck to see where you’ll place your snaps.
Denim Necklace - Final Steps

Hand sew the
snaps very tightly as you’ll be removing this piece quite often.
For a desired look layout your crystals and iron on. If you don’t have iron on crystals use Epoxy or E-6000 glue but move quickly as they both will dry very fast.
Now you’re ready to show off your neck piece to the world.