Design of Gym Center (made in Autodesk FormIt)
by Quantum Admirer in Living > Health
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Design of Gym Center (made in Autodesk FormIt)

Exercising is the primary matter in creating our body and mind healthy. Therefore, it is crucial to keep our health that makes our body more robust. There are many fitness and gym centers available in our communities. The competition of those industries also escalates. Every gym center promises to offer its best amenities for the customers. It is a formidable task to create a new gym center that stands out in our communities. Because of this reason, building a virtuous gym proposal is mandatory in promoting the gym center to customers.
For the design, I share this publicly by sharing it with Google Drive, using this link.
Here is the overview of the gym's design:
Material that you will need:
Autodesk FormIt Software
Mission and Vision of Building Gym Center

As a former fullback football star of New England Patriots, James Develin had a background for architecture that he was interested in before entering his football career. He felt that he has a good imagination, loves arts, math, science, and practical studies.
He thought it would be great to combine all of those fields into one. He experienced a pivot in architecture. Therefore, he studied Mechanical Engineering. Because he got a neck injury, he announced to retire from football. Now, he thinks of having a second career.
For he loves football and its training, he decides to combine it with architecture for constructing a building and rehabilitation. He comes up with an idea to build a facility where people can train and rehab their injuries and give services for better good as the NFL's services. Develin also mentions that this facility center should cope with our current condition, which is the COVID-19 pandemic.
Floor Plan

As the location already mentioned in Philadelphia, I assume that the gym's size is rectangle or square. Before making the model, especially in 3D View, creating a floor plan design is a necessity to do at first. In the floor plan, we should include some rooms that a gym and rehabilitation center should have, which are several rooms as follows:
- body buildings (treadmills, stationary bikes, bench presses, bars, plates, kettlebells, multi-functional gym machines, and include some racks for plates, bars, and kettlebell)
- therapy equipment (such as physical therapy and aquatic therapy)
- hot tub spa
- aerobic class
- yoga class
See the image of my floor plan level 1 and 2.
Autodesk Formit

After I finished drawing the floor plan, I decided to start making a 3D model by using Autodesk Formit. For those who want to start building a model with Formit, click this link to download, or you can design online here. In my opinion, this software is a combination between Tinkercad and Fusion 360. The advantage of this software is that we can do a walkthrough or view it with a 3D view.
Interior Design- Solar Panel and Windows

I design a two-story- gym center with lots of windows and have additional solar panels on the roof. The function of installing solar panels is conserving energy that leads to a reduction of electricity cost. Choosing lots of windows are expected to present natural lights getting into the construction.
Interior Design- Plexiglass to Prevent COVID-19 Pandemic

The gym center's design should provide a resolution to our current problem, which is the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, I separate every piece of fitness equipment with plexiglasses in order to slow down the spreading of coronavirus. I know it does not deliver a maximum result to obstruct the virus, yet it will slow down the spreading. The plexiglass will function similarly to masks as well.
Interior Design- Level 1 for Body Building Area

This gym center is not like the usual and typical gym and fitness centers available in our market. This gym presents a unique characteristic that associate between bodybuilding and rehabilitation center. That is why I include bodybuilding equipment and therapy areas, even people with some injured conditions can rehab in this facility. All the bodybuilding equipment that I mentioned above are intended for endurance, agility, flexibility, and muscle strengthening.
Interior Design- Level 2 for Rehabilitation and Therapy Area- Part 1

Therapy equipment is intended for recovery and restoration. There is an area for aquatic therapy, physical therapy, and yoga.
Interior Design- Level 2 for Rehabilitation and Therapy Area- Part 2

It also provides an area for aerobic so that people can do an aerobic exercise in this part.
Interior Design- Level 2 for Rehabilitation and Therapy Area- Part 3

Lastly, in level 2, I add one room for a hot tub spa. It is in a closed room with a design full of decoration
Exterior Design

It is not complete if we do not make an excellent exterior design for the building. While I discuss how the structure's interior should look, I also concentrate on making a model more effective and efficient for reducing cost and conserving energy and the environment.
First, I construct a landscape with plants and water features besides the building. This design is aimed to make the surrounding environment greener and fresher.
Second, I add some canopy roofs to provide shades in the front and sides parts of the building. Therefore, it will cover the sunlight to straightforward enter the building when it is in hot weather.
Third, I use concrete material for the building base, so it makes the building foundation stronger.
Comfortable Zone

Moreover, to make this gym center comfortable, I add a lounge room near the reception area. In this room, I install furniture, indoor planter pots, and some vending machines. The floor is covered with carpet to maintain the coziness. For reaching level two, there is a stair that is covered with carpet, too.
Additional Rooms

I design some additional rooms to accommodate this gym center, which are the restroom and locker room.

All floors are covered with pine wood, except the reception and lounge room. The ceiling is made from acoustic tiles. All indoor and outdoor walls are covered with gray slate stones. Window panes are made from colorized galvanized metal. All the materials can be found in the Formit library.
Furniture, Equipment, and Props

I make this architecture model a furnished one by adding furniture, equipment, and props to create this model more compelling. Most props can be downloaded from 3D Warehouse Sketchup in SKP file format. SKP format is the most suitable for Formit, even OBJ and STL can be downloaded into Formit.
Solar and Energy Analysis

We can perform an analysis for solar and energy in Formit. For more information on how to do it, click this link.
I choose Jan 27th, 2021, and time of day for 12:00 PM for doing this analysis. Yet, do not forget to set the location, too. I set the location in Philadelphia, PA. (I do not set the exact address because James Develin did not mention it in the video). After that, click the solar analysis button. I select January as the month peak and roof face to be analyzed. Then, click analyze button, and the result is the roof shows red color. It means the peak values of the rooftop is 303.4 wH/ sq. m. The cumulative energy for the entire year is 1167 KwH / sq. m)
Final Result of Gym's Design

After finished modeling and analyzing solar and energy, we come up with our final result of 3D modeling of gym center.