Develin's Gym

by jasmin.daigneau in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Develin's Gym

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Hi my name Is Jasmin I’m 14 and located in a small town in Colorado and I decided to enter in this competition because I thought it was a good opportunity to give input and ideas on the creation of a new gym. I also really like working with 3D design programs. My gym consist of A clean simple look. It has a wide variety of equipment that can be used. The building is also built to be able to host events, meeting, and sports games. There is lots of windows for natural light, and things set in place to help with noise.

First Floor: Front Desk

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This is the front desk where people can come to sign in, ask questions, and get information about groups that meet here. This desk is also a custom design it took me almost two hours to put all the pieces together.

First Floor: Waiting Area

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A waiting area isn't something that a lot of people think a gym needs but my version of a gym has places where events can be hosted groups can meet so a waiting area is good because if you are early for the event you are there for you have somewhere to sit while you wait.

First Floor: Refreshment Area

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A refreshment area is important because if someone forgot to eat something before or got hungry during their workout they have some healthy options food wise. water is a very important thing and water is supplied but in special water bottles they are metal and reusable so any person who wishes to use may but after they are done with the bottle they would but the bottle in a bucket under the table so that it can be washed and reused

First Floor: Restroom/ Locker Room

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A restroom is necessary in almost any building and this restroom has lockers all around one wall for people to put things that they might need at the end or beginning of their work out for example someone might need a change of clothes after spending time in the pool.

First Floor: Tennis Court

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From where I am from outside courts have a limited time use because of the weather which is why I put the courts inside so no matter where this style of gym is put this part of the gym can still be used even in bad weather this also might be a great way to attract more people because the availability this court has. This room also has benches on both sides so you can wait your turn or put you stuff down or if you were to host a game both teams have a place to sit. Something that I have found a problem within different buildings is noise so a way that I tried to keep the amount of noise from getting out of the room is by putting foam boards at the top of the room to help absorb sound.

First Floor: Elevator

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Something that I thought about was the fact that some people may not be able to go up stairs so there is an elevator on every floor so anyone can reach any floor.

Second Floor: Equipment

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The second floor consists of many different forms of equipment. Such as treadmills, exercise bikes, a yoga room and another room full with mini trampolines. All of these have their purpose and benefit the body in different ways and that is why it is good to have a variety of equipment so people have options.

Second Floor: Volleyball Court

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On the second floor there is a volleyball court with benches on each side for teams or just to put your stuff there is also black foam boxes at the top to help absorb sound

Third Floor: Equipment

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The third floor has different weight sets and punching bags both have several benefits for the body and are something that a lot of people look for in a gym.

Fourth Floor: Lay Out

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The fourth floor has three rooms all with different square footage theses rooms can be used for many things such as addiction group meetings, mental health groups, even groups that help with encouraging people to get the body they want. This floor also has tables throughout the open space if smaller groups wish to meet an dont feel the need to have a room to themselves.

Solar Panels

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On the roof of the building there are solar panels this is not the main source of energy but it helps and cuts down on the amount of other non eco friendly energy sources that this building would use without the solar panels.

Basket Ball Court

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On the fourth floor there is a basketball court with benches on each side for teams or just to put your stuff there is also black foam boxes at the top to help absorb sound

Rock Wall

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There is a rock wall on one side of the building. This is a great form of work out because it works a lot of your muscles and it helps with your grip too.


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A pool is good for a lot of things. It is especially helpful with people that have injuries because it takes some of the pressure off their body when in the water.

The Garden

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There is a garden next to the rock wall where fresh fruit and veggies can be grown and sold/ given away in the refreshments area.