Diamond Fitted Facemask

Diamond Fitted facemask packs small, looks good and has a nice fit on the face. It is mostly air tight around the nose and sides without a nose metal piece. PLUS the mask stays off the mouth, allowing one to talk easily with it. These masks are washable and easy to stash on in your back pocket. And they are reversible.
How long does it take to sew one?
15 - 30min. Depends on your skill. But it is worth the time to have a good looking mask the fits well.
How does this mask rate with other?
Personal Opinion:
- Duck Bill:
- Fit AMAZING, Professional look: poor, Ease of Talking: Great
- Diamond Fitted:
- Fit Really Good, Professional Look: Great, Ease of Talking: Great
- Fitted Reg. Mask:
- Fit OK, Professional Look: Good, Ease of Talking: Good
- Medical Style:
- Fit Poor, Professional Look: Good, Ease of Talking: Poor
I currently wear the Duck Bill style when I need a really good fit (extra protection).
Daily wear, I reach for one of these Diamond Fitted Mask.
Special thanks to MakeIT labs for the template for these masks. For more information on them please go to MakeIt Labs
The mask I currently make have four layers: ~ 8 inch x 11 inch material per layer.
- Cotton (outside layer)
- Silk (outside layer)
- 2 layers of NWPP (e.g. the plastic / cloth like grocery bag.) as my middle layer.
- 2 10" long elastic. I like long elastic so that I can wrap it around my pony tail vs. ear lobes.
Trace Out the Pattern Onto the NWPP Material

Trace out the pattern on your NWPP material.
For an adult, I use the Large pattern.
Pin Fabric to a NWPP (middle Layers)

If using a serger with a knife:
- Pin one piece of fabric
A serger machine will cut the fabric and sew the edges together.
If using a sewing machine:
- Cut the fabric out
Sew Long Top Edge and SIdes

Sew one NWPP to one cloth piece.
Sew along the long top edge and the two sides.
Repeat with the other NWPP piece and the other piece of cloth.
Fold in Half

- Fold the fabric in half so the the cotton/silk cloth is on the INSIDE.
- SEW: the two remaining edges together.
Repeat with the other NWPP and cloth.
Sew the Two Pieces Together

We need to assemble the two pieces we made along with the elastic.
- Flip ONE of the piece so that the cloth is on the outside.
- The place that one into the other (Taco style)
- Between the the "good" cloths place the elastic on each side of the "taco".
- The ends of the elastic should stick out.
- Sew around the edges but LEAVE a small opening to flip the mask right side out.
Flip the Mask

Flip the mask so that the NWPP in on the inside.
Close Up Opening

Sew the opening close!
Congratulations. You are done.