Diaper Hero--Arm for Astro Robot

by MikeTheMaker in Circuits > Arduino

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Diaper Hero--Arm for Astro Robot

astro arm - 23.jpg
Diaper Hero Arm for Astro Robot

This arm allows Astro robot to grasp a diaper (or trash) and deposit the unwanted item in a receptacle.

Power for the system is supplied by a "usb c to usb b" cable plugged into Astro (usb c end) and the Arduino Uno (usb b end). The reset button on the Arduino is used to activate the gripper. The gripper, servo motor and Parallax ultrasonic sensor round out the major parts required.

When I need to dispose of a diaper, I ask Astro to "come here" and Astro will find me. Ask Astro to turn left and the robot will present the gripper. Depress the reset button on the Arduino--the gripper will close (to indicate that the button was pushed), then open for five seconds. During the five second delay, place the unwanted item in a position to be squeezed by the gripper. Tell Astro to go to the charger. When Astro backs into the charger, the ultrasonic sensor will detect the wall and release the diaper into the trash can. Special thanks go to my wife, Annelle, for assistance in the video production as well as creation of the "super cape."

Astro robot is available from Amazon.com (sort of--by invitation)


1" x 3" board, 10 inches long

Arduino Uno

Usb C to Usb B cable

12 inches acrylic tube (1.5 inch O.D. 1/8 " wall thickness)


Hitech hs311 servo motor (I didn't want one that uses too much power)

Parallax ultrasonic range sensor (This has 3 terminals--is simple to use but more costly than many available)


Misc. jumpers

Misc. 3mm screws

3d printed parts

astro arm - 1.jpg
astro arm - 3.jpg
astro arm - 4.jpg

Install servo motor into gripper assembly. Attach servo horn to claw gear piece, then attach servo horn to servo motor.

astro arm - 5.jpg
astro arm - 6.jpg
astro arm - 7.jpg
astro arm - 8.jpg

Attach claw to bracket, then bracket to board.

astro arm - 9.jpg

Insert tube into base bracket (this goes inside Astro's load bay).

astro arm - 10.jpg
astro arm - 11.jpg
astro arm - 13.jpg

Connect upper bracket to wood using wood screws. Install acrylic tube and add electronics (using double sided tape or similar substance).

astro arm - 15.jpg

Wire according to schematic. Install software.


astro arm - 20.jpg

Plug in the usb cable and it is ready to go! Astro can take diapers (soda cans, crumpled paper, whatever) to the trash!