Did You Feed the Pets?

by livturtle in Craft > Cardboard

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Did You Feed the Pets?

How many times have our furry, feathered, and scaly friends maybe had more than one breakfast. Or no breakfast at all. Lack of communication with school and work often leaves our pets with an inconsistent meal plan and plenty of “did someone feed…”s. But have no fear my fur-ends everything is Guinea be okay. Hands, paws, claws, and wings down this pawsome DIY reusable pet meal tracker will make all our lives a little bit Easier. So without fur-ther delay let’s go.


All the supplies used in this project are easy to find and inexpensive.
You will need
-thick cardboard
-thin cardboard (thickness is important and clearly marked in the steps)
-copy paper
-acrylic paint
-polymer clay


To begin we will make the back piece using a piece of THICK cardboard.
-make a square approximately 4.5 by Blank from copy paper
-use a coin or other small round object to make even curved corners
-trace the shape of the paper onto the cardboard and cut it out
-set cardboard aside

Making the Template

The template will be used to trace and cutout the remaining pieces.
-using the paper from before draw (in pencil) horizontal lines
-1.5 in from the top
-1/2 in segments below that x7 segments
-next vertical lines left to right
-1.5 in from side, 1 in, 3/4 in, 1 in, 1/4 in
-finally draw small ovals in each 1 in segment as seen above. Make sure the ovals have space in the box and are NOT touching the sides.

Middle Part 1

The middle section is the hardest and will be broken into 2 parts.
-trace the back onto another piece of THICK cardboard and cut out
-next draw a square in the middle the sides should have a 1/4 in border and the top and bottom need to be big enough to fit all oval shaped areas on the template (it doesn’t need to be perfect)
-bringing back the first back piece trace the cut square on the back piece making sure the edges line up
-finally within the square draw add the highlighted lines from the template as shown above

At this point you will have one piece that looks like a frame and one solid piece that has a sort of graph drawn on it. Set both aside.

Middle Part 2

-cut 8 very thin (less than a toothpick) strips of THICK cardboard trim to fit into the square of the back piece. Set aside. These will become guards for the sliding parts
-next out of THIN cardboard cut 14 small rectangles 1 in by 1/2 in. Paint one side green and set aside. This will be the sliding part.
-using clay roll out a thin sheet (toothpick thick) and cut out 14 small circles I used the bottom of a mechanical pencil. Make sure they fit into the oval shapes on the template. Bake, paint white (I later switched to black), and set aside. This will allow you to move the sliding pieces.


At this point we have all the pieces for the back and middle and all we need now is the front.
-Taking THIN cardboard trace the back piece onto it and cut out. Then using the template cut out each oval on the front piece. I found it was easiest to cut out the ovals on the template and trace each one onto the cardboard.
Note: make sure your cuts are clean as this will be seen in the final product.

Recap/check List

Before moving on to assembly make sure you have all pieces listed Below
-solid back piece with grid
-middle frame
-14 small white slider
-14 small green rectangles
-8 thin guards
-front piece with ovals cut out

Assembly Part One

Take out the back piece middle frame and guards set everything else aside.
- Glue the frame to the back making sure the edges line up
- Glue each guard across the line draw on the back
- paint inside the square white
- keep close by for next step

Assembly Part 2

Take out the green rectangles white sliders and front piece.
-glue half of the white slider onto the short end of the green rectangle as shown above
- position each slider in between the guards trimming the rectangles as needed
-pu the front on and make sure Each piece slides trim the oval until they slide easily but still hold their position
Make sure to go slow and get a good fit. remove the front and set everything else aside.

Painting the Front

After everything has been trimmed and all other things are put together, we can paint the front. This part is the time for you to use your creativity and design. However there are some main parts that need to be added first.
- paint background color of choice across entire front
- label AM and PM above each column
- label the days in front of the rows
- add a title did you feed the (enter pet name of species here)?
- add your own design to the corners and sides this was for my turtle so I added a turtle and some plant silhouettes.

Add Front / Finishing Details

Note: it was at this point that I decided there was took much white and painted the sliders black
- glue the front on making sure all sliders are in place and functioning
-finish the edges. I painted the edges black but a ribbon or a small strip of paper would work too
-finish the back I used the same paint for the sides on the back paper would also work well
-touch up the paint if necessary
As you can see all 14 sliders go both ways. And of course the thorough inspection by the star herself.


Congratulations you’ve done it! I hope this helps you with your pets, and please enjoy this fabulous assortment of my favorite pet jokes.
What do rabbits eat for breakfast? IHOP
What do a dog and a marine biologist have in common? One wags a tail, and the other tags a whale.
What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost
What did Darth Vader say to the puppy? Come to the bark side