Digital Post-it

I have ADHD and that means, that i forget about everything that is not right in front of me. Thats why i allways keep a ToDo-list. The problem is, that the list is never where i am... Either way im gonna write something in my booklet, my phone, or my calender. But i never have the a up to date list of everything. Thats why i came up with my digital Post-it. I synced my google calendar with Todoist and my Post-it. That means, whenever i write something in my calendar or on my todoist App on the Smartphone, its appearing right at my Desk. Fresh and seeable.

1x Esp32 Dev-Board with integrated Display aka. "Cheap Yellow Display"
1x 3D-Printer
1x Yellow PLA Filament

First i setup the display with the documentation of Brian Lough.

I used ARDUINO IDE for the setup and programing.
Here i made sure, that the Esp can connect to my wifi and sync with my google cal and Todoist via API.
My code attatched, pls dont make fun of it. Im very new to arduino XD

After that i designed the Cover with Shapr3D and printed it with the classical yellow of the Post-it on my Kobra Neo 2 3D printer.
Lastly put everything together and plug it in a power source with the usb-c cable.
Done. Never ever forgetting something important. At least while im working on the PC....