Diy Cnc Milling Machine | Homemade Cnc Milling Machine |cheap Diy Cnc Engraving Engraver
by christopherkimanzi99 in Workshop > CNC
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Diy Cnc Milling Machine | Homemade Cnc Milling Machine |cheap Diy Cnc Engraving Engraver

Hey guys, welcome yet in another video, so guys today I have decided to build my third CNC MILLING MACHINE and this one is more robust and rigid because it’s made more Professionally because at least I cut all the parts using my CNC MILLING MACHINE compared to the first one (which was my first video) this one was hand build because I had no any other CNC MILLING MACHINE in my workshop so I cut my parts manually using circular saw, and also my first CNC MILLING MACHINE had limited cutting volume compared to this one which I have improved a lot of things, so yeah we will build this cnc milling machine in steps, hope you’ll enjoy the tutorial. You can also follow the videos tutorials in my youtube channel IMAGINATION AND INOVATION TV. (@imagination254)

What you need
You will need the following tools, electronics and body parts
1. CNC milling machine
2. Screws drivers
3. Screws
4. MDF board at least 8mm thick for rigidity
5. Power supply at least 24V
6. 4 Stepper motors
7. DC motor spindle if possible use 30, 000 rpm
8. Arduino uno
9. V3 cnc shield
10. 4 stepper motor drivers
11. DC motor speed controller
12. Smooth rod at least 8mm diameter
13. Smooth rod bearings 8mm diameter (use according to the smooth diameter) SHOULD MATCH SMOOTH RODS DIAMETER.
16. STEPPER MOTOR COUPLES (5mm to 8mm)
17. 3d designing software (I use solid works in my designs)

Step 1
So guys in this build I start with the two parts I had shown in previous vidoes, these two parts will carry the z axis and z axis as one, so grab those two and take the three stepper motors and mount them on them using 4-3mm Allen key screws, after you have mounted the stepper motors the add the couplers on to the stepper motors as shown in the pictures.
After mounting the stepper motors it’s time to mount the smooth rod bearings. Grab the bearings and install them on each of the parts using 5mm screws, it’s a total of 4 (four) bearings two on each. After you have mounted both the bearings and stepper motors for Y AXIS it’s time to install (build the X Axis)

Step 2
IN our step two we will build the Z AXIS so take mdf parts designed for z axis carriage oone on the top carries the stepper motor just assemble the as I have done no qoulification needed to do this it’s very simple when you use images and videos for confirmation. Once you have build the x axis carriage in the next step is to slide in the carrier we just built previously

Step 3
Now take the two parts you just finished building in the previous step 1 take two smooth rods (optical axis) install them following the video and images shown
After you have in installed the optical axis then it’s time to slide the x axis carriage you assembled in the step 2. Make sure when you tighten your bearings frictionless to avoid destroying them.
After installing the z axis carriage them it’s to enclose the whole assembly using screws as shown in them images use pictures and video for clear information and understanding.

Step 4
In step four we’ll install the assembly in the bed and stands. To do that take the stands and install two optical axis in two of the stands, them slid the the whole assembly via the y axis bearing as shown in in the image and in the videos
Them after you have installed the courienge then it’s time to install the bed and enclose it to finish the the cnc milling machine build part 1 (THE BODY)
So guys thanks for watching follow me youtube via/ using the videos linked here.