Diy Tutorial Leaf Bowl

I have many little things at home, I think most of us have ... I used to put them in strange places and forgot about them.
I lost a lot of time for looking for for example keys, but not any more, my rhubarb's bowl is perfect place for all those needed but also very easy to lose things.
What Do You Need to Make This Bowl?

You need:
- Leaves with marked ''veins'' for example rhubarb leaves ;-) big or small one , you decide
- clay
How to Receive the Pattern of the Bowl?

mix the clay with water , you should receive thick pulp (photo 1)
put the pulp on leaf , cover it with another leaf and roll it with marker (photo 2)
How to Make the Bowl Shape?

put it on glass or different container of your choice
and leave for drying
when the clay will be dry take it off the glass
How the Ready Bowl Looks Like?

take the leaves off , bowl is almost ready !
on photos above you can see bowl made on big leaf (photo 1)
and little leaf (photo 2)

paint it on your favourite colours
I think the best paints for it are acrylic paints and sprays
How Ready Painted Bowl Looks Like ?

The bowl is ready ! in my favourite colors
now is time for all those little things &(^-^)&