Dodecahedral Earth

A laser cut and engrave world made of 12 flat pieces (dodecahedral).
This is a project of mine that i almost desigent a year ago but from simple cheap wood that didn't look as good as this. I now made it from MDF wood. It engraved beautiful but cuts harder. But i love the result.
I Also now designed a stand for it this time.
I once saw on thingiverse that someone made design of the earth in triangles, this brought me to the idea to make a pentagon shaped one of this. So credits to him:
I also participate in the Maps challenge contest so if you would be so kind to vote for me, that would be very appreciated
What Do You Need

You need some stuff to create this project:
* Laser cutter (or a company/makerspace that can cut it for you)
* 3D printer
* Drawing/3D models (
* MDF Wood 3/4mm 300x200mm (3mm works better) (can be found by a wood dealer or local construction market)
* M2.5x6 (3mm MDF) M2.5x8 (4mm MDF) €0,88 (
* Acrylic black 3mm thick (for dutch people i can recommend this site for the acrylic:
* Superglue
Construction: Step 1

3D print the connectors. |
You need to print 20 pieces of it.
Construction: Step 2

Start with engraving the MDF wood with your laser engraver/cutter.
I used a Chinese K40 laser cutter (bed size 310 x 210mm). I made files that are caled batch. These files are made for a laser cutter that has a cut size of 300 x 200mm or bigger. if you have a laser cutter that is smaller i also attached the losse pictures of Every pentagon.
settings for K40 is:
laserpower: 85%
speed: 350mm/s
Construction: Step 3

Now cut the MDF wood with the laser cutter. Also cut the stand out of the acrylic.
settings for K40 is:
laserpower: 85%
speed: 10mm/s
(Need to cut 2 times)
Construction: Step 4

Clean the parts with cleaning agent and sand it a little bit. Then let it dry for a while for a cleaner design.
Construction: Step 5

Construct now the parts together with the screws and the connectors.
If you need help with it follow the pictures in this step.
I also used a little drip of glue on each part to make it a little bit stronger.
Construction: Step 6

Now glue the stand together with superglue.
Construction: Step 7

Put now the Dodecahedron Earth on the stand and you have a beautiful decoration.