Double Suitcase Shelf

I received so many nice comments on my instructable "Suitcase Shelves" ( ) that I thought I'd post one that uses both pieces of the suitcase. For this one I cut the suitcase in half and prepared each half similar to my previous instructable.
I mounted these halves above a doorway, so the suitcase appears to be mounted through the wall, providing a shelf on both sides of the room.
This was a fairly simple project, requiring only a suitcase ($4 at a garage sale), sheetrock anchors, some plywood, and a few screws.
I mounted these halves above a doorway, so the suitcase appears to be mounted through the wall, providing a shelf on both sides of the room.
This was a fairly simple project, requiring only a suitcase ($4 at a garage sale), sheetrock anchors, some plywood, and a few screws.