Dr. Aqua

I am ilke a 22 year old student in Howest Kortrijk. We need to make a project that challenges us and about something that interests us. I'm very busy with healthy living and sports, but I noticed that drinking water can be very difficult for me, but I'm not the only one who gives it a hard time. So I was thinking about how easy it is to keep track of how much water you have drunk and how much you still have to do without having to put in much effort.
This water dispenser ensures that each person can keep track of their own water consumption and thus achieve your goal throughout the day. Of course you choose your goal yourself!
- Raspberry Pi 4
- RFID reader set + tags
- Resistors
- Ultrasonic sensor
- 24V Peristaltic Pump
- LCD display
- Button
- Power adapter
- Translucent Silicone Tubing Hose
- Jumper wires
- DS18B20
- NeoPixelring
This are two circuits, one is breadboard and one is schematic. Now you can see how to connect all the electronics.
Set Up Raspberry Pi

The database has 5 tables:
Its a table where you can find the times and ammount of water the user took.
Is for the rfid. Here is al the information of the users.
Is toe put the goal that the user wants. So how many water he wants to drink.
This is the history of the electronics.
The type and name of the electronics.
Set Up Backend
You have some different files
Helpers: In this file you find all the classes.
Respositries: everything for your data.
App.py: The main backend code
config.py: This is the file with the configuration options to connect with your Database