Drinking Straws Football!

An original game I used to play with my little sister when I was a younger and cute ⚽️!

- A mushroom basket
- A4 paper
- A green paint (I prefer using a coloring pencil because it gives a feeling of grass)
- Scissors
- A ruler
- A glass of water with a round base (to make a perfect circle and to keep you hydrated)
- 2 Drinking straws (Highly recommended to use reusable straws and help the environment)
- A small torn piece of a newspaper
Make the Goals

Cut The Mushroom Basket In Two Halves
Color the Paper Green (Hope You Are Coloring Better Than Me! 😉)

Use the glass to make a circle in the middle of the paper.
Use the ruler to make two parallel lines to the width of the paper.
Place both halves in their positions.
Squish the Newspaper Piece Into a Ball

Play Against Your Sibling

Blow at the straw and push the ball with air towards the goal.
Win or Fight Because Your Sibling Is Cheating