Dsn D1! Open Source DIY 3D Printer. Free Plans Life Time Supported Regular Uptade
by dsnmechanic in Workshop > 3D Printing
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Dsn D1! Open Source DIY 3D Printer. Free Plans Life Time Supported Regular Uptade

In this project-based tutorial, I'll show you step-by-step how to build your own 3D printer that's not only faster but also more affordable than the popular Voron Zero. All files and instructions are completely open-source, so you can customize and share your build with the community.

List Of Materials and Tools
-3d Printer
-Screw Driver
-400watt Power Supply
-Btt Skr Pico
-Raspberry Pi Zero
-3 Nema17 Stepper motor
-1 Nema14 Stepper motor
-3d Printed Parts : https://cults3d.com/en/design-collections/DsnDesign/dsn-d1-3d-printer
-4020 Axial Fan
-3010 Axial Fan
-4010 Axial Fan
-ws2812b Adressable Led
-Old Android phone ( for Klipper Screen )
-Aluminium extrusion
-Power socket and cable
-Step down converter module
-hgx lite gear system
-ptfe Tube
-V6 hotend kit : https://tr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005687148390.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.107.121a3d124Hj9GU&gatewayAdapt=glo2tur
-Custom build plate
-60watt Slicon heatbed : https://tr.aliexpress.com/item/1005004016999109.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.67.121a3d124Hj9GU&gatewayAdapt=glo2tur
-6*lm10UU lineer bearing
-10mm Mil
-t8 Trapez Mil and Nut
-Gt2 belt and gears
-160 mm Lineer Rail and Mgn9c Car
I updated list when progress going

I Started a new video Series about 3d printer on youtube. I telling everything detailed with videos but I wanna generate a tutorial on Instructables. This projecjt will be opensource. Software, hardware and design. We purpose high speed, cheap and good look 3d printer made. If you want support me please saubscribe on youtube. and follow the journey
Speed Boat 3D Benchy Try

I purpose Under 10 minute High quality Speed Boat Benchy. In here Second attemp. Already now ı reach Under 16 minute. A little Cooling Issue in here. Im gonna try fix. Watch the video
I Make New Toolhead

Hello guys I built a new toolhead. Dsn D1 3d printer much faster now. Try another 3d benchy. It took 13 minute 6 second.
Toolhead specs
- hgx Lite gears kit
- High Speed v6 Hot End kit
- 3010 Axial Cooling Fan
- 4020 Axial Part Cooling Fan
- nema16 pancake Stepper Motor
- 2 w2812b Adressable led