Duck Tape Doll Shoes


For this project your going to need: glue gun,duct tape,cardboard,tin foil,pencil and scissors

Trace your dolls foot on the cardboard then cut it out.

Cut 3 pieces of duct tape
First Piece of Duck Tape

First piece of duck tape your going to fold in half
Hot Glue Time!

Hot glue one end of the folded duck tape. Then put it on the dolls foot and glue the other end.
Second Piece of Duck Tape

Next your going to fold the second piece of duck tape 3/4 of the way, the put the sticky part on the bottom of the shoe until other side.
Almost Done

Then put the shoe on the dolls foot and wrap a small piece of tin foil on the tip of the shoe. The finally put the last piece of duct tape on top of the tin foil.
(Tip the smother the tin foil the better your shoe will look)
(Tip the smother the tin foil the better your shoe will look)

Add some decorations onto the shoe and done!!!